Tuesday 2 April 2024

Tuesday evening, 02-04-24

Good evening, everyone.  

The weather has been so variable today.  It rained early morning but by the time Chris and I set off for Groove it had stopped and looked hopeful.  We got that very wrong though.  The heavens opened and we arrived at the hall feeling and, probably, looking a bit like drowned rats.
Then the sun came out so we had a dry walk home, apart from feeling very damp.
And that set the pattern for the rest of the day really.  We had some lovely sunshine and we had some heavy rain and - well, I never got round to hanging out my washing.

Never mind.

I chilled in the afternoon which was very lazy of me but my ankle was giving me a bit of trouble after the walks and class so it was sensible to rest it really (trying to convince myself here!!).  It's fine, just a bit vulnerable.

Tomorrow is Gas Bill Day.  It's also Premium Bond day.  Well - I can wish, can't I?  :-)
Rather more realistically, I have washing, drying, ironing, plenty of housework and a personal training class so that's enough to keep me busy and active, isn't it?  Just normal, everyday life.  The next coach trip is Friday so I need to get things done tomorrow and Thursday.

OK, time to stop and send.  Have you had a good day and was the weather better for you than it was here?
Goodnight, everyone, and sleep well.  xx


  1. Hope the weather has improved in time for your trip on Friday. It's that time of year as the seasons change when nothing can be predicted safely!

    1. How very true. It's wet again this morning but I'm very grateful for a cosy home to shelter me. It'll cheer up soon and what's the betting in a couple of months' time we will be moaning about the heat and dryness! Always the way!! :-)

  2. I hope the rain goes away for a bit at least and that your ankle is feeling much better after the rest.

    God bless.

    1. The rain is still here but the ankle is absolutely fine again, thanks. Just a twinge but I have learned to be careful about 'twinges' over the years. I hope your back is more comfortable now. xx

  3. Wouldn't it be nice to collect on the Premium Bonds? Rest that ankle! You wouldn't want to mess it up more.

    1. It would. I've been lucky this year, winning something every month and keeping it above interest rates but it's a risk all the same. Not a high risk in my experience but there's always the chance of winning nothing.
      The ankle is fine now, thanks. No more issues! xx

  4. April is living up to its reputation, but when the sun does shine, everything looks so fresh and beautiful. As I type, the sun has disappeared, the wind has sprung up again and it's raining! x x x

    1. And as I am typing this, the opposite has happened. The sun has come out and it's lovely - although the sky is full of clouds still. Very April, for sure. xx

  5. If only the weather was a bit more consistent - either raining OR sunny all day, it would be easier to cope with, I think. All this 10 minutes of rain or hail, and then the sun comes out for 10 minutes....etc, etc....is really annoying, isn't it? xx

    1. It is! It stops one doing very much at all and everywhere is still so very waterlogged. Surely, soon it will cheer up a bit. xx

  6. Those daffodils in your header are beautiful.
    I read a BBC article about ' when will it stop raining ' and it doesn't look , at the moment anyway, as though we are going to get much improvement for quite some time......... sorry, I'm sounding very negative there!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That's a bit of a downer, isn't it? We'll just have to make the best of things if that's the case.
