Friday 23 June 2023

Friday, 23-06-23

 Morning.  Phew, it was very hot again yesterday afternoon; up to 30 at times and a bit stuffy too.  Then it clouded over and I wondered about a storm; It may have grumbled a bit but there was no rain and it's nice and cool again this morning.  It's supposed to be another glorious wall to wall sunshine today.  I can live with that!

This makes me really happy!  My first cucumber and it's on the smaller of the two plants.  Yes, it may not mature, it may just fall off, but woo hoo!!

I took this photo yesterday evening.  When looking around this morning, I spotted another one on the other plant.  Excellent!

I did my SET class and then crossed the cul de sac to Chris' where we settled in her garden for a jolly good chat.  After that, I came home and pegged out the load of darks I had put in after SET, put in a small load of whites (may as well seeing the solar battery was full and the sun was warm).  My Pinch of Nom book landed on the mat so I settled down to peruse that (fairly basic but good and very budget friendly) before getting down all my other PoN books (there's six of them now) and starting to plan a 'Week on Pinch of Nom'.

The above, plus the ironing, was all I achieved yesterday.  It is possibly more than I will get done today too!   🌞🌞🌞

I have Slimming World as usual and then it's home for another day enjoying the sun and the garden.  I'm expecting the cleaners, of course, so that will be nice, and I hope to get my meal planning finished for next week.
I'll probably find other things to do but there's nothing that stands out really.  Nice

Have a great summer day, everyone.  xx

Edit:  I had to come back because I just noticed I'm only thirty one away from a million 'visitors' according to the counter at the side.  Wow.  I know that's small beer compared to some but even so - yay!  Thanks, everyone.  xx


  1. You have hit the million Joy! Celebrate in style enjoying time in your garden today. My daughter loves her Pinch of Nom books, I shall have to treat her to the latest. Enjoy your day.
    Suze xx

    1. So I have - goodness, that was quick! How nice is that, eh?
      Thanks, Suze - you have a good day too. xx

  2. We actually had some rain out of those black clouds that appeared yesterday - but it didn't last long .
    Enjoy your new cook book

    1. It's cloudy here right now but I don't think it's going to come to anything. I suppose a bit is better than nothing. xx

  3. We had heavy rain yesterday evening but it soon eased off and feels quite muggy again today. Enjoy your day! x x

    1. It's the mugginess that makes it so unpleasant, I think. Heat on it's own is manageable. xx

  4. Well done you millionaire ☺. I picked all the tiny cucumber off my plant yesterday to give the plant chance to grow a bit. It broke my heart. ☺

    1. Oh, is that what one is supposed to do? Drat! xx

  5. Well done on the million, you deserve it, your posts always make me feel warm inside
    Alison in Wales x

    1. What a lovely thing to say, thank you so much, Alison. xx

  6. A week on 'Pinch of Nom' recipes sounds good, it's one set of cook books that I have never had, it would be really interesting. You've cracked the million now ... well done. :-)

    1. Yes - I'm really chuffed with that.
      Working on the meal plans . . .

  7. I hope you were pleased with your SW weigh in this morning. I only have the very first Pinch of Nom book but it is very well used. Do you think the new budget recipes are as good? xx

    1. A maintain and I was happy with that, thanks.
      It's got some useful, basic recipes but they are starting to feel much of a muchness in some ways, I think. I guess there's a finite number of ways one can produce a healthy, lowish calorie recipe and they have created so many!
      I'm glad I've got it though - on first skimming, it will be useful, I think. xx

  8. So happy that you reached a million views, and with your weigh in this morning. Look at those tiny cucumbers.

    God bless.

    1. Cute, isn't it? Now I'm not sure if I should remove it though. Decisions! xx

  9. Sounds like a busy day! Wow - congrats on the views. It's amazing how they add up, isn't it?

    1. Incredible!! Never thought this little corner of the blogverse would get that!! xx
