Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Another cool, fresh morning and a cool fresh home as the windows are all open.  It's not exactly sunny at the moment but the clouds look reasonably high so I'm living in hope!

Before I go any further, an ad for my other blog - I've posted two new recipes.  Please do go and look:
Pasta with a sardine sauce (my own)
Garden mint and courgette bread (from 'Freshly Baked and the link to that site is in the entry: do go and look, it's a super site)

It was a fun day yesterday.  In the morning I went round to a friend's to have coffee - there were four of us and we have all worked together in year 1 at school at some point or other.  We had a jolly good catch-up chat and an admiring look around June's allotment and at her hens, who, most obligingly, had produced three eggs for her to collect while we were there.

Then it was back for lunch and a lazy afternoon knitting and snoozing before I had a go at the two recipes listed above.

I had a good laugh at myself.  For a week now I have been looking at a tomato that had started turning orange and then seemed to stop turning any more.  I was puzzled as to why the red colour wasn't coming.  Then it struck me - it's *supposed* to be an orange tomato!!!!   Doh!
I did feel silly!


  1. At least it had a chance to ripen properly! :-)

  2. LOL - well, good point! :-)
    J x
