Saturday 20 July 2013

A new recipe

. . . posted on Teacher's Recipes, here


  1. The Summer Chicken Salad looks absolutely delicious, Joy - perfect for this wheather! :o)
    Hope it hasn't become humid for you now and that you are having a lovely day. :o) S. xxx

  2. ..oops...sorry, brain has gone AWOL in this heat...I meant weather, of course! :o) S. xxx

  3. :-) It's actually much cooler and quite pleasant today. I haven't even needed to turn on the fan yet.
    J x

  4. Oooo, you lucky thing - I am glad for's absolutely dreadful here and going to get even hotter tomorrow and next week. The mind boggles, it really does! Nobody seems to be enjoying this intense heat very much though I have to say and many businesses are suffering because of it, too.... Ah well, here's hoping it will cool off soon, it would be lovely, it really would!
    Have a fabulous day! :o) S. xxxx

  5. It's very hot again today though. This morning was Ok and then the sun came out. Ah well, it has to break sometime, doesn't it?
    J x
