Thursday 1 February 2024

Thursday, 01-02-24

Morning, peoples, and welcome to the first day of February!   The BBC is optimistic about the weather forecast, saying it will be nice and sunny today.  I hope so as the last few days have been pretty dull much of the time.

Yesterday ended up quite different as my tum went on me a bit.  It's nothing to worry about, I'm not unwell, I felt fine, but sometimes not having a gallbladder any more has a bit of an impact, especially if I have made unwise food choices and I didn't want to stray too far from a loo.
Everything is fine again now.

So I didn't do the windows but I did some general housework and then did a bit of a freezer audit which I plan to finish this morning.  It's so much easier than around this time last year.  For a start, there's just one to do and also, looking back over records, I've done mini audits roughly quarterly so it's not in too bad a state.
However, my lists will be up to date and accurate and that's such a big help with meal planning.

Today, I have SET class online and coffee with Chris, after which I will complete my audit and also just 'close the accounts' for January and get February's started off.  No council tax or water payments for the next two months, which is nice!  What isn't so nice is that I should hear soon how much it's going up by but dear me, isn't that just the modern reality.
Windows?  Maybe, I'll see how I feel.

Thank you for your kind comments yesterday with thoughts and prayers for my friend and family.  I just need to add that they knew it was coming at some point as s/he was ill, but even so, very, very sad.

How are you spending the first day of the new month?  xx


  1. Sorry to hear you had an 'off' day yesterday. New month, new start - it seems such a long time since the beginning of the year!

    1. Definitely - I love a new month for several reasons. xx

  2. I hope you're feeling better today.

    I WAS spending this morning cleaning the kitchen shelves and reorganising the cookbooks, then my son phoned to tell me all about some family upset. Gosh his side of the family is continuing to be like a bad episode of the Jeremy Kyle Show!! Now my brain is frazzled, but thank goodness I am only the Nana, and he's the Dad and Granddad. There are books everywhere and it's time for lunch. I'll start the shelves again after I've done a couple of hours of proper 'day job' work.

    1. Thanks, Sue, absolutely fine now.

      Goodness, families can be a right hassle at times - I hope it is easily sortable.
      Good luck with those shelves - it can take ages sometimes . . . xx

  3. We have sunshine and I'm drying washing outdoors for the first time this year!
    Small pleasures.
    Take care x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It has been very pleasant here too - so cheering to have sunshine at last. Contentment is build from those small pleasures, aren't they? xx

  4. yep that's the joy of life, bills constantly rising!!! We pay our property taxes here for the first ten months of the year and get November and December off. Ours are $5,000 CDN a year now.

    1. That's the way it goes. I'm thankful for index linked pensions, one way or another. xx

  5. I hope you're feeling better, Joy.
    The two month break in council tax payments is always welcome. Xx

    1. I am, thanks, fine today.
      Very welcome, especially just after Christmas. xx

  6. The day is still sunny, but I am feeling a bit of stress now. I have a long list of projects to get done, Hubby is going for a colonoscopy on the 15th and youngest son (as I found out this afternoon) goes in for surgery on a recurring cyst on his back, quite close to his spine on the same day. I sent youngest a text saying if he needs his Dad and I up there for a bit after his surgery we could come on the 16th for awhile. He has no one to change the dressings on his back as he lives alone.

    God bless.

    1. I can see why that is causing stress. Each of those on its own is quite enough for you to process and deal with. Being able to help can help though, I should imagine.
      All the very best to you and your family. xx

  7. Sorry about the tummy. Glad it's feeling a little better.
    It's been unseasonably warm here in Minnesota. It was a lovely day to be out.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. It really is.
      I'm glad it has been such a lovely day for you. xx
