Monday 5 February 2024

Monday, 05-02-24

Good morning, everyone.  Happy start of a new week to us all and I hope your weekend was exactly what you wanted it to be!

I truly did intend to get out into the garden, especially when it looked as if the weak sunshine was going to stay around.  Sadly, it didn't, a stiff breeze blew up and made it feel colder than it really was so I decided to stay inside, nice and warm.
I did some housework, including giving the kitchen a good wipe over, made some delicious soup using saved bits of broccoli and cauliflower (stems and leaves), some soup base mix and some stock (three good portions now in the freezer for lunches), read, knitted, watched telly and generally had another chilled day.  It was all very pleasant.

Today will be busier.
I'm off to Circuits first thing this morning.
Once home and after breakfast, it's downstairs cleaning time.  Nothing tricky, it just has to be done.
After lunch, I'd like to do a bit of work in the garden, weather permitting.  Just a bit at a time is the name of the game here.
I'm hoping Dave and Anna will be round Friday evening and I plan to make lasagne so I'd like to get the ragu part made in the slow cooker today so the flavours can develop and improve.  I plan to make the dish in advance and freeze it.  Then, on Friday, I can just thaw it and reheat it to piping hot, make some garlic bread and throw together a nice mixed salad and a dressing.  Easy peasy (in theory)!

And that, said John, is that!  (remember the A A Milne poem?)

Have a great Monday, everyone.  xx


  1. Windy and wet today again and our neighbour across the back’s recycling bin blew over last night-can’s and bottles everywhere. DH went out and picked up what he could in the pitch dark as the noise of cans rolling about in our garden was not conducive to sleep! Catriona

    1. Oh, no. What a mess and how very annoying. xx

  2. I haven't had lasagne for yonks. It will be lovely. x x x

    1. I love lasagne and am really looking forward to it. xx

  3. It's been a busy Monday morning for me, everything decided to happen on one day. Car to garage for MOT, dogs to groomers for their regular three monthly appointment, Alan to Doctors for results, dash home for business meeting, back out to pick up dogs and thankfully garage called to say my car had passed while we were out and saved us going home and coming out again. Now it's time to make some soup with the last of the carrots that are in the raised bed ... to hopefully make way for some seeds in a month or two.

    Now I'm having a cup of coffee and reading some blogs ... yours first. :-)

    1. But of course. :-)

      You certainly have had a busy day - hoping everything went really well, xx

  4. Even in retirement the Monday morning feeling of ' let's get down to the tasks ' lingers doesn't it? Routines are good and planning ahead for a nice meal with friends even better. I've done a little housework, made soup using stock from cooking a small piece of gammon and tidied up a craft cupboard......
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, i does. Funny, that, but maybe a bit of structure becomes much more important when there's nothing imposed from 'above'.
      You've made soup too - it is obviously that time of year!

  5. Never mind about not getting out in the garden, you still managed to get things done inside and your soup sounds delicious. Homemade lasagne is delicious and so tasty . Something to look forward to on Friday evening :-)

    1. I think so - hope so, anyway. It's hard to get lasagne wrong really. xx

  6. Sounds like you had a great day. You got things done in the house and managed to relax a little too!

    1. Yes, it was, thank you. Nice and cosy and relaxing. xx
