Tuesday 27 February 2024

Tuesday, 27-02-24

Good evening, everyone.  How has your day gone?  Has it been good?
It's been really pleasant weather here today.  It started cold-ish with a hint of frost and then the sun came out.  So cheering when the sun shines.

Can you believe there's only two more days of February?  Where has the month gone - if feels like I've blinked and missed at least half of it.  But March sounds springlike, the days are getting very noticeably longer and, when we look around, there's plenty of colour again.  Lovely!

Chris and I find that the walk down to Groove warms us up nicely and the walk back is a great additional cool down.  We've been so lucky with the weather for these walks; despite how wet it has been, we have only needed to take a car once.  Groove was really good - a new playlist and new routines.  This block is going to be great!

Once home, I sorted out a finished load of washing and out it went on the line.  Lovely!  It didn't properly dry but not to worry, it's freshened up nicely and is now on the rack by the radiator.

And that's about it.  Some knitting, some housework, some ironing, some telly . . . all the usual stuff.

Tomorrow the lovely Sharon is coming to sort out my hair and it's personal training.  Beat the Street starts too so I might walk out and find a box to activate my card with - and maybe a few more too.  When I say 'find', I do have a map so it's just a case of spotting the right lamp post!  I'll try and remember to take my camera so you can see what I mean.

And finally, note to self - don't forget to read the gas meter tomorrow or Thursday!

The weather has been a bit chilly but so very pleasant today so here's hoping tomorrow is just as nice.  Sleep well.  xx


  1. Enjoy doing Beat the Street-I found it good fun and it really increased my daily steps.Catriona

    1. That's good to know, thanks. It should be fun. xx

  2. Yes, can't wait for March as it sounds almost like Spring! Of course we can still get snow storms but it truly feels as if Spring is in the air. No sign of any bulbs here yet, though!

    1. Hopefully, they will show soon. I gather March will start cold round here but wet ntoo, which is a bit of a shame after a few lovely, sunny days. Oh, well, che sera sera, as the saying goes. xx

  3. While the sun is shining, the temperature is not at all warm. We are back in the deep freeze for a few days. This month has gone by so quickly.

    God bless.

    1. It really has! I know it's a slightly shorter month anyway but even so . . . xx

  4. Not a bad day. It was windy and cold here today with snow showers, though they didn't amount to anything. I'm almost at the end of my time with daughter and Baby A so I'm enjoying lots of baby cuddles and such.

    1. I can imagine mixed feelings. It will be nice to get home but . . .
      Enjoy your last few days. xx

  5. Had to look up beat the street - there's one in Ipswich apparently - bit too far.
    Have fun in your city

    1. Yes. I guess it takes considerable organising so isn't everywhere. It probably also depends on willing voluntary help (like Lindsey) too. To be quite honest, that is why I am doing it - to support her. xx

  6. Miserable weather continues here.......I walked dogs in the rain........the small local art group I organise helped lift the mood a bit.........sounds fancy but isn't 😄 And I'm certainly not an artist myself, but it's always nice to be part of helping others have a pleasant time isn't it......
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, it really is. It's a warm feeling. xx

  7. Trying to get used to you blogging later. I read blogs early in the a.m. and that is it...I will try...enjoy your blog so much.

    1. That's OK though - it just means it's been live overnight (UK time), that's all. You can still read at your usual time. xx

  8. Hello Joy,
    I'm enjoying reading your blog in its new evening slot. :-)

    1. :-) Thanks. I'll get used to it, I'm sure. xx

  9. I think February has really dragged this year. It felt as though we'd never get to the end of it! It is strange reading your blog in the evening, but we'll get used to it :-) x x x

    1. It feels odd sending it but you know the saying - a change is as good as a rest! xx
