Tuesday 6 February 2024

Tuesday, 06-02-24

Morning, one and all, and welcome to Tuesday's blog!  It's dull and a bit chilly this morning with a continuing wind and the forecast isn't great but we will see!

I got loads done yesterday.  Circuits was full again - nine or ten of us so it was very chatty and sociable.  After breakfast I set to and got downstairs done.  It's getting quicker and feels easier and satisfying (once it's done!).  I'm sure I'm doing a better job than my cleaners did - for a start, I tackle spots on the carpet when I see them as I vacuum.  I know that sounds daft but the cleaners didn't so I did them later, if I noticed (and I didn't always notice!),  Also, I do extra bits they didn't do.  Also - and this sounds bad - now I'm doing it myself, the surfaces are clearer.  I did always tidy before them came but I'm keeping surfaces clearer of clutter to make it easier.  

After lunch, I got some gardening done.  I decided to start with the front bit which was messy, covered with dried leaves and generally in need of a bit of a clear.  Now you can see where the bulbs are coming up - the front does look pretty in spring.

English bluebells
Crocuses - fairly new in but already thickening out a bit, despite being disturbed a lot when the front was repaved.
Hyacinths - I have a lot of these from when I was teaching and a bowl of hyacinths was a favourite Christmas pressy from children.  After flowering, I just shoved them  in the garden and they come back year after year after year!  I love gifts like that.
And daffs, of course.  Some daffs are still just little green spikes and some are further on.

I cut the grass too - you don't often have to do that in February, do you?

Anyway, it looks a whole lot more welcoming now.

The sauce for the lasagne is now cooked and, as Dave and Anna have confirmed that they will be over Friday, I will make the lasagne today and get it into the freezer.

Today starts with Groove as always on a Tuesday and I have a few piles of washing so one load can do while I'm out.

Then it's upstairs which won't take all the long and, finally, I will start tackling the back garden.  I'll make a list and when that's done I can stop if I want or carry on, depending on how cold/damp/bored I am!  

I also want to sort though my jumpers - there's some I'm just not wearing and I may as well deal with them and take them somewhere where they can be put to good use.

So - Groove, upstairs, garden, lasagne, jumpers.  Enough to keep me out of trouble, for sure.
How about your day?  Doing anything exciting?  xx


  1. It sounds like a busy day ahead, Joy.x x x

    1. Yes - but most of it is busy on my terms. I think that makes a difference. :-) xx

  2. Morning Joy. I left comments on three of your posts yesterday but they haven't shown up. I'm planning to sort my jumpers and give away any that are less than flattering on me.

    1. They take up so much space for things that don't really get used, that's the thing.

      I'll check the spam folder - thanks for letting me know. xx

    2. Nothing there yet. I'll keep checking. xx

    3. Some colours make me look really tired. I'm chucking out any that do that.

  3. Nice lot of flowers to come, I always leave my winter clearing up till its a lot drier and warmer.

    1. It was in such a state, the bulbs were covered! Not a good idea. :-) xx

  4. It's lovely seeing all the shoots coming up in the garden isn't it, we have some pretty colour already with the Primroses, the Snowdrops and the Winter Pansies I'm really enjoying it.

    I've just been cutting Alan's hair for him, an easy job this time as last time he made a BIG booboo and forgot to put the No.4 guard on before doing a sweep of a cut around his left ear ... I had to match it up over his right ear and then tailor the rest of his hair to suit the baldy side bits. The happy news is that watching the rugby at the weekend it seems his ultra short sides are in fashion ... who knew!!

    1. I need to get some pansies. Well - when I say 'need' . . .

      Ooops - poor Alan - did you see his face when he realised he'd done it?

    2. No, but he saw my look of horror when I went over to 'tidy up the edges' a few minutes later and realised I had a much bigger job on my hands than usual. :-)

    3. I'm laughing out loud!!! xx

  5. Lovely to see the spring flowers coming along. I've had a pleasant morning with friends in the local craft group, rain has now blown in and the dogs ought to be walked this afternoon 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It has stayed dry here but there's quite a breeze making it feel colder than it really is.
      I'm glad the craft group went well. xx

  6. You are showing signs of spring, and here our signs of spring will soon disappear under another blanket of snow. I don't have any luck with hyacinths or daffodils.

    God bless.

    1. Your winters are both longer and way colder than we have here. Stay safe and warm. xx

  7. All those spring flowers will soon be showing their pretty faces. Very nice!
    You've got a busy day ahead, enjoy.

    1. In a month or so the front should look a picture. xx

  8. Sounds like a busy day! Nice to see the flowers out. They look lovely.

    1. Thank you. It is nice to have a few splashes of colour starting to show. xx

  9. we are still 6 to 8 weeks away from getting any colour in the garden, other than brown or green. That's the one thing I do miss about the UK, you actually get a Spring.

    1. I can understand that - an English spring is just beautiful. xx
