Wednesday 7 February 2024

Wednesday, 07-02-24

Hi again, everyone.  This week is speeding past - how can it be Wednesday already?  Mind you, over the weekend, Saturday felt like Sunday all day; it was a very weird sensation.  Do you get that sometimes, feeling it is one day when it is actually another and you know very well that it is another?

Anyway, Wednesday, and it looks as if the fine weather has broken.  It's not actually raining now but it has been wet overnight, starting yesterday early evening and, while we are not expected to get anything really cold or snowy, the temperature has definitely dropped again.  What's it like your way?

Cherie, I have been checking Spam and your comments haven't come through, sorry.  😒

Yesterday was another energetic day.  I went to Groove (great fun), I did the upstairs cleaning, etc, and changed my sheets which was lovely come bedtime, I made the lasagne which is now in the freezer, I did three loads of washing (one was my oodie which gets terribly heavy when wet so I just added a couple of jumpers and nothing else, plus a coloured wash and the bedding and low temperature whites) and I spend some time in the garden, mostly sorting out the plant pots, emptying the soil either into the brown bin or the compost heap, depending on how long it had been in the pot*, sweeping up crunchy leaves that kept blowing around in the wind and piling the pots in one place.

( * As I feed the tomatoes all through summer, I reckon the soil is reusable so it goes in the compost bin.  I don't know if that is right or wrong but that's what I do.  The brown bin stuff is also recycled by the council.)

As Dave and Anna are round for supper, I sat down and finished planning the meal.  I never do a formal starter, just have nibbles out when they arrive, but I need to get some stuff for the mains and any dessert we have (often nice fruit) plus some drinks.  So, as I'm running out of some salad stuff too and a few cleaning products, I made a shopping list and that's what I'm doing first thing.  I'll drive over to the Clock Tower precinct so I can use M&S and Aldi.

I feel no motivation to garden when it is wet so, while I might make myself do a bit, it won't amount to much.  However, I didn't get round to sorting out my jumpers yesterday so maybe I could do that.
And I have just remembered that I have a bit of governor's training I need to at least start so I must do that before the meeting this evening.
And it is personal training at Lindsey's studio too.  All a bit of a rush really so I will make sure my dinner is all ready to heat up and eat after the meeting as there won't be any time before.
And I have a bit of ironing but that might have to wait until tomorrow!

Phew - another busy day!  Wish me luck . . . and stay safe and warm, whatever you plan to do today.  xx


  1. It was dismal weather yesterday, cold, rainy and strong gusty winds - seems to have been our default weather for ages! Wind has dropped today and it's not raining, just cloudy and dull. You've got a busy day, Joy, pace yourself! xx

    1. Actually, looking out here, the wind has definitely dropped too. Thank goodness, it felt so cold yesterday.
      I will, thanks, Sooze. xx

  2. I frequently misplace the days! x x x

  3. Ooh. Lovely fresh sheets. One of life's simple pleasures. I keep thinking today is Saturday.

    1. I love getting into a bed with fresh sheets. Definitely a very important simple pleasure. xx

  4. It's freezing cold here today, but with glorious sunshine so the dogs are sunbathing on the rug in front of my French doors ... I'm half tempted to join them.

    I frequently have days when it feels completely and utterly like another day so I know what you mean. I always enjoy it when a Saturday feels like a Sunday, because it's super relaxing to have two Sundays in a week. :-)

    1. That used to happen often during the school holidays but rarely in term time - for obvious reasons.

      It's got colder here too, despite sunshine. We're not forecast anything wintry though. xx

  5. I too often muddle up the days and then have a smile to myself when I find myself saying things like " it's Friday but has felt like Saturday all day....." what exactly does Saturday feel like 😉😂
    Today I've shopped, walked the dogs and made some face cream......what a difference some sunshine makes......and yes, it feels like Wednesday!
    Alison in Wales x

  6. I wake up every morning and have no idea what day it is. And I love it!! It's very cold and damp here which makes me not want to leave the house. Having the puppy (although she's now 8 months old!!) makes me go out daily walks! But I'm happy pottering around inside for now :-) xxx

    1. Inside is so nice when it's cold and wet outside. So very cosy! xx

  7. I always seem to lose track of what day it is and am constantly checking the date and then the calendar for the day. I can't believe it is the 7th of February already.

    Not leaving the house the next couple of days. We had freezing rain and sleet most of the morning and then the snow started.

    God bless.

    1. Ah - it's arrived. You've been expecting it, haven't you? Hopefully it is not too bad or long lasting. xx

  8. It does sound like another busy day! All my days seem to be blending together. I am definitely losing track of them. I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Yikes!

    1. Yes, and one week down too. Ridiculous! xx

  9. Yes, I often lose track of what day it is as well. It's even harder to keep track when a Bank holiday or other holiday season comes around!

    1. I'm sure part of their purpose is to confuse us. lol xx
