Sunday 11 February 2024

Sunday, 11-02-24

Sunday greetings to you all!  It is dry and fine at the moment round here but yesterday started out dry and even sunny but it poured later on.  Oh, well, it is February - what can we expect!!

I really didn't do very much yesterday.  I used up all the remaining leftovers from Friday so I didn't even have much meal prep.  I read, watched telly, slept on and off all day and still had a great night's sleep.  

Weather permitting, I'd really like to get out in the garden today and deal with the middle bed.  The bulbs are coming up but aren't really showing to advantage right now.  It's what I see from the French window and could look much nicer. 
And the clematis needs cutting back as it's starting to send out new growth.  I don't think it is in the right place now that the garden room is there but if it is happy, it will brighten up a darker corner.  I'll see how it does this year and then, maybe, move it next winter.

A short one today as there's not really much to write about.  I hope everyone's Ok and not troubled by wind, flood or snow.  Have a lovely restful Sunday.  xx


  1. The spammers are out in force again! Your restful day yesterday sounds lovely, we all need days like that. I want to get out in the garden again this afternoon, it's overcast and drizzly at the moment. xx

    1. Yup! Same picture, different names. And not yet picked up by the Blogger anti spam - although my own replies can be removed. lol.
      Yes, it was a lovely day. Very gentle, very lazy (yes, lazy!) and very restful. I hope you get some gardening done. It's an exciting time, first year or so in a new garden. xx

  2. Sounds like a restful day yesterday and a pleasant one today. x x x

    1. It was very pleasant, as is today, thanks,. Janice. I hope yours is too. xx

  3. We woke up to thick fog this morning, something we've not had in a long time, but the sun came out eventually so we took the dogs to one of their favourite parks for a long walk and a coffee for the humans.

    Yes, the spammers are most definintely out in force, one even found that I hadn't stopped all comments on one of my old blogs and inundated it with 'helpful suggestions'. Quickly remedied thank goodness, but it's very annoying isn't it.

    1. We were supposed to have some fog here but either it was very early, before I woke, or we got lucky. It's been pleasant and sunny with the temperature around 13 which is amazing for February.
      At least some of the spam stuff is mopped up because if it's on old messages, how can you tell? What a nuisance about your old blog. Very tiresome. xx

  4. Stormy skies with some intermittent sunshine here. I cheered myself up by making homemade lemon curd and then using some of it in gorgeous lemon curd ice cream
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Ooooh b- I love home made lemon curd and then to make matching ice cream - such gastronomic decadence! xx

  5. Sorry to read that you are getting hit by pesky spammers. Hopefully that clears up very soon. I think we might get some sun today, which means that after Mass I can do some embroidery.

    God bless.

    1. They come and they go, don't they. I can go months without any and then there are loads. Oh, well . . .
      I hope you are getting the sun. It is so cheering! xx

  6. Beautiful day here, I've walked round the garden just checking the new trees and shrubs I bought last year, all with lovely new buds.

  7. Just catching up with what you have been up too. Glad the weather was okay for you. It'll be another couple of months before we get out into the garden here.

    1. It's been surprisingly mild here, despite longer term forecasts of snow, hail,, armageddon, etc. Do you expect more snow or is it just too cold really? xx
