Monday 26 February 2024

Monday extra!

May as well start as I mean to continue.  Good evening, everyone.  😇

The day started with circuits, first of the new block, and really good!  It was pretty cold outside so it warmed me up nicely.
Later on, I got the downstairs housework done and one batch of washing which I dithered about pegging outside - when I decided to dry it inside, out came the sun but when I thought 'OK, out it goes', it started drizzling.  Eventually, the washing just stayed on the rack and it's still there to finish drying overnight so I can iron it tomorrow.

The biggie was that my new bed base arrived and it's now all set up and made, ready for bedtime.  It's so nice to have a headboard after so long. 
There was almost a problem.  I mentioned taking the old bed and they said 'oh, we're not taking the old one'.  
I said 'oh, yes, you are, I have an email to prove it' - or something like that.  I did too, I checked when they arranged delivery date and time.
After some phoning, etc, they agreed that, yes, they were going to take the old bed away and all was sweetness and light again!  And to be fair, they set it all up very nicely and would have put the mattress on except that I stopped them as I wanted to get the clean valance on first.

And that was it really - mostly just a normal day - mostly!  And I have a dust-free, unbroken, headboarded bed.  And clean sheets.  Yay!

On to tomorrow and I have Groove (walking there and back with Chris as the forecast is good), followed by upstairs housework, washing, drying and ironing.  Nothing at all interesting or exciting.

Hoping you have all had a lovely day.  Sleep well.  xx


  1. Good evening Joy. Hope you sleep well in your new bed and clean sheets :-)

    1. I did, thanks. Slept like a log as the saying goes. Lovely! xx

  2. Enjoy your new bed and fresh, clean sheets. x x x

    1. Such a treat, isn't it. Life's simple pleasures. xx

  3. Evening is my time for blogging too. Like you, I like a slow leisurely start to the day but only usually get it on weekends. I hate having to rush!

    1. I still like a busy start - I usually do a lot of meal prep first things too which keeps me on the SW straight and narrow, but I like to know I have enough time. I will get used to blogging in the evening, it just feels odd to start with. Like you, I hate a rush first thing. xx

  4. Enjoy that new bed.

    God bless.

    1. I did, thanks, Jackie. It was very comfy - and proper level. I hadn't realised the old base had a bit of a collapse in the middle. :-)

  5. Funny. I do not like a headboard…I like just the bed frame with mattress and springs…my goodness…I have had so many beds with so many moves…enjoy yours…two blogs in one day…a treat for us.

    1. I've been perfectly happy without one but it's really nice to have one - it looks lovely, I think. Sort of cosy and comfortable. xx

  6. Anonymous is Brenda

  7. Are you a firm or soft mattress fan? Mine's like a brick and we love it

    1. I like a firm mattress but probably not brick hard. My back aches on a softer one though. xx

  8. Good for you having the proof of the mattress pick up and making sure they took it. I hope the evening posting is going to work out for you and you don't end up doing too many days with two posts ... not that we wouldn't read them if you did.

    1. I'm just very glad I asked for confirmation by email or I might have doubted myself. Lesson learned for the future.

      No more two a day, that was just for Monday. From now on it is evenings only unless I really can't (like a week on Friday!). xx

  9. I'm glad you got the bed sorted. Good thing you had that email confirmation!

    1. It really was. I'd have hated to be stuck with that broken, dusty old thing. xx
