Saturday 3 February 2024

Saturday, 03-02-24

Good morning, everyone.  Apologies for being a bit late.  I stumbled across some Ian Hislop YouTube stuff - Private Eye review of the Year and 'in conversation . . . ' sort of stuff and lost count of time.  I think he's very funny, very perceptive, clever and he just makes me laugh a lot!

Anyway - I went to Slimming World and it was very busy.  Things have really picked up since Christmas and lots of people stay for the rest of the time so conversations are lively and helpful!  
The downstairs windows are now nice and clean again - as clean as they're ever going to be anyway, and it is so nice.  
For the rest of the day I pottered really, pretty much what today is looking like too.  It's Saturday, a day to do what's needed and then chill.  It used to be such a busy day when I was working so it is an ongoing delight not to do washing, planning,  shopping and so on.

But first - finish watching the YouTube I paused when I realised what the time was.

Have a great Saturday, one and all.  xx


  1. YouTube is a trap, for sure. Many an hour can be passed there. x x x

    1. Oh, indeed. And while there's plenty of nonsense, there's also some really good and entertaining stuff. I pay a bit to access it advert free and, at the moment, it's money very well spend, I think. xx

  2. I get lost watching quilting and get frustrated as to how quickly they make a quilt! What surprised me about Ian Hislop is that the author Victoria Hislop is his wife, silly me!

    1. I've never read any of her books - I must give one a go.
      Thanks xx

  3. I have spent the morning watching reruns of a favourite programme and working out how to split the stitches for a vnecked slipover. Catriona

    1. Patterns don't always explain things terribly clearly, do they? Well done for persisting.
      Re-runs can be most enjoyable. Three cheers for iPlayer and the like! xx

  4. YouTube certainly has its uses doesn't it? I watch soap and cosmetic making, other 'crafty' stuff and occasionally music. I found it very good when I wanted to learn crochet.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It really does - I've learned some very useful stuff over the past few years as well as being entertained. Not to mention the Christmas music for my Advent blogs each year! :-) xx

  5. I love Ian Hislop too. And it's amazing how time I can waste watching snippets that lead one to the other.

    1. I agree! Good when we have the time and so useful when there's an empty time space ahead of us. xx

  6. I often fall down the trap of YouTube as well. I mostly watch frugal living type things as well as the occasional decorating channel.

    God bless.

    1. Thee are so many theme one can follow through on YouTube. I follow a few frugal channels, some Slimming World stuff, some craft channels, a few funny ones and . . . oh, so much. I'm getting better at being selective though. xx

  7. I was paying to access YouTube ad free as well, but I found I watched a lot more of it that way, so I have cancelled that payment to see if it limits my watching time. It seems to be working up to now as I am reading more and just watching my absolute favourite channels, a couple of which don't have adverts on them anyway.

    It's very easy to fall down a rabbit hole of really good YouTubers though isn't it.

    1. It definitely ios and there's some very good stuff to enjoy too. An interesting way to make yourself watch less. I will remember that if ever I feel the need, thank you. xx
