Monday 26 February 2024

Monday, 26-02-24

Morning, everyone.  How are you?  I hope you've all had a lovely weekend.
I have been keeping up with blog reading, just not commenting; back to normal now.

I've been pondering and have decided that, seeing as I'm now waking at a much more civilised hour (usually) and that some of my Facebook admin stuff has to be done in the morning, I'm going to post in the evenings instead after today.  I rarely go out of an evening so it should ease the morning pressure on those days when I have morning exercise classes or Slimming World.  I hate being rushed first thing and I ben I'm not the only one - for so many decades, weekday early mornings were just one thing after another and I don't want to go there again.  😁😄😊

It's been a bit colder round here.  I was most surprised on Saturday to see that we had quite a dramatic frost that looked lovely in the bright sunshine.

I was a bit worried about the lupins because that's how I lost the previous plants - but it was a longer cold snap that time and they seem to be OK this time.

The sun kept shining well into the afternoon - lovely - before the rain returned.

Cyclamen leaves always look gorgeous in the frost and Saturday was no exception.

Sunday morning was slightly frosty but there was also some not-quite-fog hovering and some sunshine before - yup, you've guessed it - the rain returned again.  Ho hum!

What's the betting come the summer there will be muttering of drought, hosepipe bans, etc.

I didn't do much over the weekend.  There was no Saturday exercise class this weekend and really I just chilled and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

The new Broomfield coach trips mailing list came through and I have requested (and got) two more trips, both in August.  One is into London to the museums - Science, V&A and Natural History,- which are all close together.  It's not organised, the coach drops us nearby and picks us up later so nearer the time I will do some 'research' so as not to waste the time.  I haven't been to the last two for decades so there are bound to be changes and there might be some specials I can book.
The other is to RHS Wisley with a cream tea involved somewhere in the day.  I always love my visits to RHS Hyde Hall, as you know, and have wanted to visit Wisley for some time but don't fancy the drive around on the M25.   This way, someone else does the hard work.  

Today starts with Circuits at Shimmy Studio and then I have to stay home for the divan base and headboard delivery between one and three.  It's downstairs housework day anyway so it's really not an issue.  On Friday evening, I am hosting a Girls Dinner (me, Beth, Linda and Julia) and I'm providing the main part of the main course so I might get what I can made in advance and into the freezer.  I'm doing a sort of pasta bake, one mince based and one bean based for Beth, although I bet everyone will have some too - we always do!

Have a lovely day and see you again tomorrow evening definitely, possibly this evening!  xx


  1. Glad you are well Joy and think that your new routine for posting sounds good. Heavy overnight frost here today so no washing hung out just yet. Catriona

    1. Just some strong-ish winds at the moment but it looks very dull.
      I will be hanging my washing inside, I think. xx

  2. Good to hear you're having longer sleeps - I'm also sleeping better since we moved house. We haven't had a frost here, just more rain! Flooding on many roads locally, fortunately it's all drying out now and we have a sunny dry morning forecast. xx

    1. It's not really that they are longer, more that they are at a more 'normal' time - going to sleep a bit later so waking later too. We so need our sleep, don't we?
      I'm glad things are drying out. xx

  3. I've had a run of bad nights, what a pain! So glad you are ok and a change is as good as a rest as they say 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'll go with that and I do hope you have some better sleeps soon./ xx

  4. It sounds like a good plan to move bogging to evening instead of having a rushed morning. I wouldn't even be able to think of what to write before I've had a couple of coffees. I tend to do my posts in the afternoon and set them to publish the following morning. It's working out well doing this and if necessary and I've forgotten something I have time to edit.

    It's always soul destroying when your favourite plants come up nice and strong and then get decimated by a late frost isn't it. Fingers crossed for your lupins ... I love lupins, they and foxgloves are among my favourite flowers for the garden.

    1. Obviously that should be 'blogging' and not 'bogging'. That's what happens after I have been proof-reading for an hour, I forget to proof read my own work!! :-)

    2. Hee hee!!
      I guess I could write one day and post the next but I think I would be too tempted to re-read and change things. The idea is not to do anything in the morning.
      Thankfully, the lupins seem to be OK. Phew

  5. No frost here, but plenty of rain. We mooched around our garden Saturday and my lupins are looking good and they are the ones I grew from seed so will sow some more I do love them.

    1. Lupins are lovely, aren't they. Such a range of colours too. xx

  6. It's a bit parky here this morning. The delivery man and I had a good rant about all the flooded roads and diversions round here. It's almost impossible to travel out of the 'village' without encountering road works and temporary traffic lights. It doesn't affect me but I feel sorry for all those having to negotiate them for work.

  7. It appears that you too are having some weird weather this winter. It's been well above normal temps since the beginning of February with a couple of cold spells lasting one or two days before turning nice again. This week we're having both, as well as more snowfall lasting into the beginning of March.
    Your bus trips sound lovely. I do wish we had more of them here, but the major bus company has now purchased two of its smaller competitors. While one would think this would add buses and drivers and open up more opportunities it hasn't at all.

    1. That's a shame, I think we're very lucky with this particular thing - it's just two local people who organised a few trips for friends and it just grew from there. All very simple and uncomplicated and I love the opportunities. xx

  8. I enjoy your blog. I do not respond readily as it is almost impossible on the Iphone and Ipad for some reason...I get the laptop and write on a few blogs. I have never seen a busier forever...well it is good that you like to get out and about as you and healthy...keep writing.

    1. < chuckle > I feel a lot less busy than I was when I worked. Nowadays, it is pretty much what I want to do or don't want to do. The up side of getting older. :-) xx

  9. I can only blog/comment when the dodgy signal allows me too. It's drastically cut my online time which isn't a bad thing

    1. That must be quite frustrating though - I would find it so, for sure. I'm glad you can comment, even if it is rather intermittent. xx

  10. I set a post up to post at 1am EST. I have a mix of posts some I write ahead of time, so I write the day before. Depends on how organized I am.

    1. I could do that, I guess, but sometimes it is good to have a change, I think. I think it is all just part of being organised and recognising when a change is good. xx

  11. Glad you had a good break. I've been all over the place lately as I've been concentrating on daughter and the baby, but next week I should be back to normal. I usually find it better to post in the evening - but sometimes I forget if I'm too tired!

    1. When are you actually travelling home - this coming weekend?
      I think I need to make it part of my evening wind-down routine. xx
