Friday, 17 April 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.  It's another rather chilly morning (nowhere near freezing though) and the last day of a week that has sped past so quickly that it's quite scary.  Just sixty two teaching days to go now.

Yesterday was a much better day, thank goodness.   The sun shone, lessons went well, the technology behaved itself and our celebration takeaway in the evening was lovely.   It was a huge relief.

This week I am on early morning duty.  In a way it is a bit of a pain to have to rush out early when there might still be things to do, but actually, when the sun shines, it's quite pleasant to be out there chatting to parents and greeting children.  Today will be the last early morning duty ever!

I guess I will get some comments this morning - the news was out in the school newsletter yesterday.  I'm not the only retirement - there's three of us, all long serving teachers, so there will be a lot of new faces on staff come September.

Apart from that it is just an ordinary Friday with ordinary Friday stuff.  And then it is the weekend.  I plan to make my first sourdough loaf tomorrow which means that this evening I need to remember to feed the dough and let it stand out overnight.  I wonder if it will work OK?  We will see.

Well, I'd better go and make breakfast at some point soon, I suppose, and then look over my planning for today.  Have a good day, everyone, and may the sun shine.


  1. The sourdough sounds lovely - the Germans eat a lot of this (Sauerteig) and it is delicious - best of luck with that, I am sure it will be wonderful. :o)
    Yes, I dare say people will want to talk about you retiring and I am absolutely certain that many people will be very very sad to hear of your and your colleagues' retirement - very understandable, you are so well-liked and respected and will be much missed, I am sure.
    Have a lovely day. :o) S. xxxx

  2. Good luck with the sourdough I found it took considerably longer to rise but the flavour is worth the wait.

  3. I gather it all just takes a lot longer but I have time tomorrow so I am sure it will be fine. :-)
    J x

  4. I am sure that Sonja's comment is well deserved Joy! From what I have read between the lines on your blog everyone loves you at the school, of all ages, and you are clearly the kind of teacher many of us would have loved to have had. But being good, efficient and keeping up to date is very hard work. Teaching seems much harder work nowadays than it used to be. Roll on retirement, but with the occasional jaunt into school to see everyone and keep up with things:)

  5. Teaching is very much harder now than I have ever known it. As they say 'you don't get any younger'.
    Thank you for your kind comments.
    J x

  6. It's not as if you'll lose contact, is it? You'll be onhand to help from time to time. The good news is you are finally giving yourself permission to get rid of the stress and pressure. Well done! Jx

  7. No, I won't lose contact. Hopefully there will be supply and so on. Thanks, Joan.
    J x
