Saturday 11 January 2014


The sun is celebrating with me the fact that it is the weekend, shining brightly, if a little palely.  I have no confidence that it will stay that way for long.  We need a jolly good shine and some warmth to start drying up the ground and it's getting colder, not warmer.  Rotten for those flooded out as, even if the rain stops, the water and the misery remains.

Yesterday was hectically (is that a real word?) busy and I managed to get loads of Special Needs work done.  It was hard work but I had a sense of satisfaction when it was all over that was worth having.  My poor class was no better.  A few back but a few more away and another was ill overnight, I gather.  They must be feeling rotten and my heart goes out to them.  I hate it when they are unwell.

Today I am going to use the Dove gluten free bread flour I bought the other day with the recipe on the back of the bag to see if I can make anything like half decent bread with it.  I've heard no good things about gluten free bread so I don;t hold out much hope but it's worth a go.  I have some beef and pork mince that was on spacial in Morrisons so I'm going to do a savoury mince thingy with that today.  Bulked out with veg, lentils and oats, it should be a tasty and frugal use of the mince.

Apart from that, it's likely to be a lazy day today.  I'm looking forward to it so much.

Christmas nuts!

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