Friday, 17 January 2025


It's just beginning to lighten up so it's had to really tell but it looks overcast but dry for the moment - hope it stays that way as I would like to walk to SW.

Yesterday felt so busy but it was fine.  Mel come round and we caught up on life.  Then I went to Chris and ditto.  I drove over to Val's and had a lovely time - we meet up pretty much once a month and there's always plenty to talk about.
Finally, I remembered to take the tablecloths back for Andrew's SW group meeting and then did my weekly shop.

I'm pleased with how Low Spend January is going.  Now I've done my shop for the week, I should only need to do one more before the end of the month.  Also, Morrisons More card has this thing where if you spend £40 for three consecutive weeks, you get £10 in More vouchers.  I've been doing that, getting things like soap powder and loo rolls to make up the amount, not to mention the food bank donations and I've got the vouchers (it started end of December!).  I've decided that I am saving these vouchers for Christmas (sorry) and I already have one and another nearly so that's a good start!

Today, being Friday, starts with Slimming World and then I'm home until Alex calls me for an online thingy at two.  So I guess I need to catch up with housework and stuff like that.  Boring but necessary.  Perhaps I can do a bit more clearing than just ten items - that would be good.

There's not an awful lot to say today so I will love you, leave you and get on with stuff.  Take care, stay warm and have a great day.  xx

Thursday, 16 January 2025


 Morning, all.  After a very damp and dull day yesterday, today seems to be more of the same.  I just popped out to put something in the bin because it's early collection today and it's drizzling miserably!

I managed to get all the stuff dumped in the blue room sorted out and put away.  I had made the bed up with Christmas bedding for Sonja's visit so, as it wasn't used, took it all off again, folded it up and put it away, remaking the bed with the usual stuff.  I also changed my sheets so getting into bed last night was lovely!

I also sorted out more than twenty things for yesterday and the day before so that was good.

And, not a biggie but it all helps, I descaled the Nespresso so it's now running easier again.  I use Wonky Pods (pods saved from recycling before use) so they don't always run through smoothly anyway - every little helps.

The stitches are now out and I need to explain that what I had done was the first stage of an implant so last week was getting the underneath bit (the 'root') into the jaw bone.  You could say it was self inflicted.  Anyway, absolutely no trouble with the stiches - I didn't even feel them, just the 'snip' of the scissors - and Mr Clough pronounced it all 'beautiful'!  Hmm - I suppose you do have to have a certain mentality to be a dentist!  Beautiful is not the term I would use for the inside of my mouth!!

Later on, I drove over to Lindsey's for my first PT session since before Christmas.  We took it very carefully and gently and she sent me home with some things to do that should help.  We decided I would take next week on a day by day basis and not to run before I could walk, so to speak.
It's no worse this morning and, perhaps, a bit easier.  All good, anyway.

On to today and it looks busy but it's mostly fun stuff.

There's the ten things, of course - I am one down already!
At nine, my friend Mel is coming over to deliver something and stay for a quick coffee.
At ten, I am over to Chris for more coffee and a natter.
At eleven thirty I am driving over to Val's for lunch and yet another good old chat!
And then, later on, once home, I will be going to Morrisons to do the weekly shop and to drop something off at the Thursday SW group next door.
So - sort of busy but not really.  I guess we all have days like that at some time or other.

No housework though - how very sad!

Catriona, did you make a decision about the sweeper?

Have a good one, everyone.  Stay safe and enjoy what you do.  xx

Wednesday, 15 January 2025


Morning, one and all.  How are you all today?  Good, I hope.

Yesterday was an easy day really.  I did two loads of washing one of which went out on the line.  It didn't dry but it got some fresh air which was good.  I did some of the ironing too which I was pleased about.

Son Dave came round to do some printing and we had a nice chat about this and that, fixing a date when he and Anna will come round again for supper.  Then  Sharon turned up, sorted out my hair and now I feel all neat and tidy again.

I didn't:
clean any windows
sort out five things - so ten today!
sort out the blue room

But I did:
give the bathroom a good clean
the aforementioned washing and ironing
cleaned the kitchen
 . . . so I didn't entirely waste my time.

I was a bit spendy but it was need, not want.  I paid Sharon, of course, and I got some descaling stuff for my Nespresso gizmo that seems to be slowing down somewhat.  The official stuff is really expensive but there was a non-brand (alternative and much cheaper brand, anyway) on Amazon so I got that.  It should come today and, assuming it does, I will be giving my Nespresso a descale straight away.
I guess one could argue that a Nespresso is not a need but, if I have one, I need to look after it properly!
(I was tempted to just use vinegar but when I Googled it, the perceived wisdom was not to in case it damages the tubes, etc.  Shame!)

Today I will be popping back to the dentist to have the stitches taken out and the work checked over.  I am sure it's fine.  It doesn't hurt at all and I've been very careful to brush the site using the super-soft brush they gave me and to use the mouthwash.

Then I'm home for a while to do bits and bobs before going over to Lindsey's for personal training.  I've asked her if she can focus on back strengthening and stretching stuff - she's really good and adapting things to personal circumstances so I am sure it will be very good.

And that's that!  It's so nice to be getting back into some sort of routine again - I have really missed classes.
Have a lovely day, everyone.  Stay warm and cosy and contented, whatever your plans.  xx

Tuesday, 14 January 2025


 Morning, everyone.

Going . . . . 
Going . . .
. . . and gone!

Woo hoo.  Only a week late.  Such a relied not to have to see the mess (organised but still a mess) in that corner

Then I set to and gave the downstairs a good clean, dust and sweep so it looks much more civilised again.

I washed the Christmas doormats (yes, sorry, I do) and they are now away as well.  Back to normal downstairs!

Yesterday was a day for setting dates.
I set two dates with Alex, one with Kay, my financial adviser, one with son Dave so he can be at the meeting with Kay and one with my lovely friend, Julia.
It's going to be all go!

As I'm not going to Groove today, I can get going and get some new year order into upstairs as well.  A lot of stuff  has just been dumped in the blue room so needs to go away and I have a few piles of clothes to tidy away plus those five items to sort out.

Come this afternoon, the lovely Sharon is here to do my hair which should make me feel loads better.
So, really, quite a nice, easy sort of day, whatever the weather (which is nice and sunny at the moment).  Lovely!

Stay well, everyone, and have a good, positive day.  xx

Monday, 13 January 2025


Morning!  Another Monday and it is definitely milder than this time yesterday.  Right now, there's no frost although one might develop in the next hour or so, but nothing like it has been.    Beeb weather says it should get up to about 5C which is almost tropical in comparison!

Well, I did it.  The tree is down and the only thing left to do is get this pile of stuff out to the garage.
Hopefully, that's a job for today although we will see how things go.

I've said to Lindsey that I will miss circuits today and Groove tomorrow but come to Personal Training on Wednesday.  The sad truth is that I am more than a bit nervous about starting up again - I don't want a week like last week again if I can help it so being careful is the name of the game.  

Not the tree is out of the way, there's some dusting and hoovering to get done which should be nice, gentle, stretchy sort of stuff and I've started the usual annual declutter with a 'five things a day' aim.
Do I love it?
Do I use it?
Do I think I will ever use it?
If the answers are 'no', then off it goes.

Happy Monday to you, wherever you are and whatever you plan to do.  Have a warm, safe and productive day.  xx

Sunday, 12 January 2025

On a cold and frosty morning!



Morning, all.  Another cold start to the day with more freezing fog and everything looks so beautiful at the moment.  I braved the cold and took some snaps.

I doubt it will last long.  I think some places further west and north are already seeing higher temperatures and by the end of the day we in the east and south east should too.  It will be nice to go out to the freezer without shivering!

Well, it's now two days without pain killers and my tum is feeling loads better for it.  Just today on the penicillin and that's finished too.  I can't in all honesty say my back is 100% comfortable but it's getting there.
I was so pleased to get all the Christmas china back into the garden room and all the cushions changed over again.  Today I am going to try the Christmas tree - fingers crossed, and if that goes OK, I will see if I can get at least some of the boxes out into the garage.  I will feel so much happier once that is all done.

The bags of salt are still sitting in the garden room waiting to be put away but out of sight, as we say, out of mind!

Apart from the above, I think today will be another easy day with plenty of time to get on with my knitting and my crochet.  I have some large octagons to make for the crochet and then I can start putting everything together.  The knitting is slower, of course, but I am on the arm shaping for the back so progress is being made.  I love the stitch texture (moss stitch) although it does make for slower progress.
I have a few more ideas for when I've finished the current projects - I hate to not know what to make next!

Right, well, I will love you and leave you.  Have a lovely Sunday, whatever your plans.  Stay warm, stay safe and be happy!  xx