Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tuesday morning, 15-10-24

Morning, everyone.

I think that for the next four days, the blog will be posted in the mornings because the evenings will look like . . .

this . . .
and/or this.

It's different in the evening when there are others around and the mornings are going to be my quiet space time as both Beth and Alex are later risers and I am definitely not.

So . . . back to yesterday morning.

The living room looked a right tip with everything to put in the car scattered around.  I nearly took a photo but I remembered I'd packed the camera so you'll just have to imagine it.

I managed to get to circuits and I'm really glad I did because 
1.  it was N's last week because her job has changed and she can no longer come and
2.  it was really good.  Short, sharp bursts of activity, twenty seconds and move on.  Great because in just twenty seconds you can really go for it without starting to feel it too much.

The weather, sadly, was shocking.  Pouring with rain.  I decided I really did not want to get there early and have to wander in the rain so I left in time to get there by around two which is when we could get into the lodge.

A great drive up.  A few short hold ups because of road repairs but nothing worse, no heavy traffic, even through Bury St Edmunds, and I got there at about ten to two.  And the sun was shining.  Yay!
I joined the queue to get to the check in point and, lo and behold, two behind me in the queue was a car I recognised!  What are the chances of two cars on the same booking, travelling different routes, getting there absolutely together.  So Beth and Alex followed me from car park to lodge; I thought we'd need to go all round the village one way system to get to the lodge but the very helpful check in lady gave me directions to get straight there so I didn't get lost this time (I did last year).

Because of Beth and her tiger (wheelchair), we had an adapted lodge and we're very impressed.  I'm sure it isn't perfect but it works for us.  
I'll do a lodge tour tomorrow when I've taken some photos or, if you're very unlucky, a video, probably as botched as the one I tried to make yesterday.   

We had agreed to pack our swimming stuff ready to grab and go so as soon as we'd unpacked and sorted out the food bags, off we went to the pool.

It was, as always, absolutely lovely!

Apologies for the clunky bits in the photo below.  I edited out some faces that were recognisable and some of the background also disappeared.  For example, the bottom of one of the cabana posts wasn't really broken and the floating barrier was complete, honest!

After swimming, we came back and settled in for a cosy evening.

A really  quick video clip - and it should open, I hope.  Please let me know if it doesn't.  

It moved on to the photos at the top!!  A good evening.

One of the bedrooms is adapted and I had that one for no particular reason really.  One of the single beds was an adapted bed with all mod cons while the one I am using is just a bed.  Very comfortable it is too!  I have slept like a log after a combination of a circuits class, a swim and plenty of steps.  We won't mention the wine, OK?

And now it's a new day.  The skies look rather overcast but the ground is dry so we will just have to see . . .
Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sunday evening, 13-10-24

Evening, all.  It feels right chilly as I type this but I'm tired and will be off to bed soon so no point turning up the heating really.  It does seem to be getting significantly chillier now, doesn't it?  It will be so nice to light the log burner in our lodge tomorrow evening.

Today has been busy but pretty much everything is now done and ready with just a few things to finish off tomorrow.  I popped round to Beth's this afternoon and now her cases are in my boot.  There's very little room in her car because of all the space the wheelchair and hoist takes up.
I've just checked the route (although I do know it by now, really) and my case, etc, is all downstairs by the front door.

I'll keep up these posts as much as ever I can but don't worry if one doesn't appear.  It will be because we're out and about.

Good night, everyone.  Have you had a pleasant weekend?  I do hope so.  Sleep well and keep nice and warm.  xx

Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday evening, 12-10-24 - a lovely day

Good evening, everyone.

Today didn't have the best start ever, what with oversleeping and not having time to do my usual Facebook stuff and so on, but it wasn't a disaster, life went on, surprisingly!

The coach left nice and early and the journey there was great with no hold ups whatsoever.  I've never been to Alexandra Palace and was hugely impressed by the views over London.  This one came out quite well, despite the mistiness and lack of sun

The Show was great.  So well organised with plenty of places to sit, to get food, enough loos (impressive), and marshals who were friendly and helpful.

We got there early so it wasn't crowded at first but an hour later the place was heaving.  There was a great atmosphere, everyone was smiley and seemed happy and it was just lovely to be surrounded by fabric, yarn and all sorts of textile crafting.  Loads of people were wearing things they had  made themselves and some were seriously impressive.

The first thing as we walked in was a display of some stunningly fantastic quilts.  I took a few photos, of course.  

Once in the main hall, there was so much to see and do that I started by buying a guide and a coffee and deciding what to do/see as well as finally deciding on what I wanted to look for.
I was after another project, some good stitch markers (the ones I have keep falling off), some crochet hooks with comfortable handles, some little embroidery scissors and some ideas for Christmas presents.

This is the project I have chosen - the photo is from the relevant site because I didn't get a decent photo and it isn't what I had had in mind but when I saw it, I was just 'wow'.

It's called Persian Tiles Marrakesh crochet blanket and the kit includes the patterns and all the yarn needed.

It's actually  based on a granny square in part with fancy bits added.  There's two versions; the same stitches in both but one has a more complicated colourway that the other - guess which I'm doing.  😉 
I'm not going to start it yet because I'm in the middle of the Christmas one, but that lasts for six weeks, two of which have now passed, so I reckon this will be a December/January project.

I was sorely tempted by this one which was stunning in real life but it was more expensive.  I may end up getting it anyway but not yet, not this year.

This was a kit (no, I didn't) and I took photos all round because I think I can make it at home - granny squares are trending at the moment.

I bought various shades of purple and made two squares while watching Strictly!

There was a sort of catwalk affair with some demos etc.  This lady was showing some basic crochet skills plus a few techniques that might be useful.  I tried her version of a magic ring but I prefer my way.  However, she showed a neat way to decrease and also how to make loops that are fixed and won't pull out - I haven't tried that yet but must have a go while it is still in my mind.
She showcased a book of patterns.  If it had been cats, I'd have bought it but it wasn't, it was dogs
I picked up a few free patterns and bought one and I found most of what I was looking for.
They are very cute though.

Here's my final hoard (plus some little embroidery scissors which were still in my bag when I took the photo).  The purple yarns are in a neat box that is just perfect to keep things tidy and I will get great use from it.  The greens and gold are for Christmas things - I already have red so didn't get any.  There's the Persian Tiles kit in the middle with some new hooks, fabric clips and markers and I picked up a shedload of web addresses, etc, too.
I could have spent an awful lot more so I'm very happy with what I did get.  I think I've turned into my mother - I kept thinking 'But what will I actually DO with it?', just like she used to say to me.

The journey home was not quite as good but could have been loads worse.  The most annoying thing was that the junction off the M25 and onto the A12 was closed so the coach had to go a longer way round which added around another twenty minutes or so but not to worry, we were still back before six.

I am beginning to flake out now so I will love you and leave you and get myself up to bed pronto.  It's been a really lovely day and if Jan and Ray run another one next year, it'll be a case of 'behind me in the queue'.  I might also book a workshop in advance.  All the best ones were booked by the time we arrived.
Have any of you been to this show in past years?

Sleep well, everyone, and sweet dreams . . .  xx

Saturday morning. 12-10-24: a very quick one.

 Morning, everyone.  I really did intend posting last night but I was so very tired that I fell asleep in my chair, woke at around eight, went up to bed before nine, fell asleep and didn't wake until six thirty this morning.  Annoying because I'm out for the day but not to worry!  I'm ready now and have a bit of time to post this.

It's the knit and stitch show at the Alexandra Palace, somewhere I have never been so it's going to be great fun.  I have allocated myself some pocket money so goodness knows what I will come back with . . .  Yes, I have fold up bags in my backpack!  

Time to go.  Have a lovely day, everyone.  See you soon.  xx

Thursday 10 October 2024

Thursday evening, 10-10-24

 Good evening, everyone.

This is what the BBC said about the weather round here today when I checked this morning.

I think someone got this a teensy bit wrong, don't you?

Judging by comments all over Facebook, it was all over the country,m these hurricane force winds that magically missed Mid Essex - wasn't that lucky!!!

OK, so - today.

You know the feeling when you think you have loads of things to get done?  I felt like that today so did myself and Little List and worked through it and you know what?  It really wasn't that bad.

I did two loads of washing which is currently draped all over everywhere - I must fold them and sort them out before I stop for the evening.
I finished doing Jen's farewell gift for Slimming World tomorrow, wrote a nice little message from us all and got some flowers to give to her alongside another gift.
I did my personal card and little 'thank you' gift so that's all ready too.
I decided what I am going to make for the taster table at said group and got what I needed.
I had a lovely chat with Chris.
In town, I looked for bras, was disappointed by M&S (they had loads more online) so now I've got the new size sorted (see line below) I will order some.
I finished up in John Lewis where the girl was so helpful and I ended up knowing what my size is now and also paying what feels like an exorbitant amount for one bra (but it's a good one!) - the others I get will be cheaper.
I came home, put the bins away again, had lunch, folded any washing that had dried and then I could sit down so I did and got on with the Christmas project.

And that was my day.  Phew.
Good night, everyone.  Sleep well and sweet dreams.  xx

Thursday morning - 10-10-24

Morning, all.  Apologies for yesterday's non appearance.  I got a bit caught up with crochet through the day (does anyone else do that?) and was out at a governors' meeting in the evening.  When I got back, I just couldn't string thoughts together so didn't even try!!

I'm fine and I'll be back this evening.
Have a great day.  xx

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Tuesday evening, 08-10-24

Evening, everyone.

It's been quite a busy day.  Chris wasn't able to come to Groove - she had both vaccines yesterday and they were fighting back - so I went on my own and it was really good today.  It's always good but sometimes there's an extra sort of buzz.

When I got home, I got stuck into a couple of things I really should have done a while ago and, as it's Governors' meeting tomorrow evening, I was running out of time.
One was reading Keeping Children Safe in Education, mandatory reading for everyone at least once a year and we have to declare that we have done so.  
The other was the annual Safeguarding training.   Again, absolutely essential and ditto
Not the most exciting reading and not terribly happy reading either, but it's done and dusted now.  Phew.

That pretty much took the whole day but between times, when I had a coffee, I started the week one blocks of the Gift for Christmas blanket.  There are a few tricky bits and some fiddly bits and one bit I keep having to watch on the YouTube video as I keep getting muddled but, generally, it's not that hard.
Week two landed in YouTube today so I will watch that through at some point when I have a bit more time.
It's an ideal project to take away with me to Center Parcs next week, I think.

This made me happy.
Spot the baby bread bean . . .

Actually, once I started looking, there are several coming along, all very tiny but packed with potential.  Very exciting.

I've just looked at the clock - I didn't think it was that late.  Better post and shut down.
Have you had a good day?

Good night, one and all.  xx