Saturday 26 October 2024

Saturday evening, 26-10-24

Hi, everyone.  How has it been round your way.  Round here it has been pretty dull and dismal all day but the heavier rain held off until more or less midday and there was a window of dry weather which coincided beautifully with our SW Golden Oldies walk.

It was a lovely walk too.  Six of us and we didn't stop talking the whole way.  If the sun had been shining, it would have been gloriously colourful and even in the dullness, the autumn leaves were bright and cheering.
The coffee shop must have got a new kind of coffee in because it was delicious!  Happy me!

I got a message from Beth - Ray can't start her decorating for a week instead of starting this coming Monday so Alex won't be staying over this coming week but the following one instead.  It's not a problem really, none of the extra stuff I got will spoil.  However, poor Beth was all ready so the living room is packed with stuff in boxes from her room.  Oh, well, I suppose that means next weekend won't be too busy for her.  And they're still coming over tomorrow for lunch.  

I was looking on the Hobbycraft website to see if they had any sparkly green yarn.  No, not that I could see but somehow I got myself booked in for one of their workshops - Granny Square Christmas Bauble Workshop on Wednesday.  Funny how that happened.
No, it's not strictly speaking essential but I will come away with yarns, a crochet hook (not that I need one but, you know . . .) some mini bells, ribbon, etc., as well as the bauble that I have made.  And I think it should be fun.

Internet shopping is just too easy, isn't it?

As Alex isn't now staying, suddenly I had quite an easy afternoon and evening.  No need to make breads, sort out  the room - although it will need to be done, of course - or make a meal plan for the week that will accomodate his likes and dislikes.
So I settled down and . . .

. . . made the first pair.

They're not perfect and I need to refine the pattern - I know my tension is pretty good but they came out very wide.  I know what I want to do and must knock up a practise one, just to check that my ideas work.
I doubled the length of the cuffs (and narrowed them too) and they are still a bit too short.  I could just pick up stitches and rib the cuffs.  Another thing to try out, maybe.
But they are definitely wearable if you have a wider hand, they look nicer in real life than they do in the photo and will look better once they have had a light pressing.

And I have until the middle of December to get three pairs finished so no problems at all.

I did enjoy Strictly this evening, did you.  I love the specials with all the character dances and costumes, etc.

Time to get this posted but before I do I just need to apologise that I have neglected all the blogs I usually read and comment on.  I've just not got back into the swing of it after the holiday and I will do the necessary tomorrow.
Night, everyone.  Sleep well and make the most of that extra hour, OK? 


  1. The mitts look fabulous but I agree that a longer cuff would be cosier. We’ve just had torrential rain which is unfortunate as we planted lots of bulbs today. You will see my attempt at a squirrel deterrent on my FB page. Who’s going home tonight from Strictly, I wonder? Catriona

    1. Yes, definitely. And narrower - just a very little bit narrower - would also be better. I know I have fairly small hands but . . .
      You remind me I have bulbs to plant. The poor garden really needs a good tify up but not in the rain.
      I don't want anyone to go but . . . well, it should be one of two but I think the popular vote might keep one of them in. By now it will be pretty much decided but we have to wait and I never go looking on the Internet.

      Looking forward to seeing your squirrel deterrent. That's something we don't have an issue with round here. I'm right on the edge of town next to countryside but it is farmland, not woodland, and that does make a difference.
