Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday evening, 12-10-24 - a lovely day

Good evening, everyone.

Today didn't have the best start ever, what with oversleeping and not having time to do my usual Facebook stuff and so on, but it wasn't a disaster, life went on, surprisingly!

The coach left nice and early and the journey there was great with no hold ups whatsoever.  I've never been to Alexandra Palace and was hugely impressed by the views over London.  This one came out quite well, despite the mistiness and lack of sun

The Show was great.  So well organised with plenty of places to sit, to get food, enough loos (impressive), and marshalls that were friendly and helpful.

We got there early so it wasn't crowded at first but an hour later the place was heaving.  There was a great atmosphere, everyone was smiley and seemed happy, it was just lovely to be surrounded by fabric, yarn and all sorts of textile crafting.  Loads of people were wearing things they had  made themselves and some were seriously impressive.

The first thing as we walked in was a display of some stunningly fantastic quilts.  I took a few photos, of course.  

Once in the main hall, there was so much to see and do that I started buy buying a guide and a coffee and deciding what to do/see as well as finally deciding on what I wanted to look for.
I was after another project, some good stitch markers, some crochet hooks with comfortable handles, some little embroidery scissors and some ideas for Christmas presents.

This is the project I have chosen - the photo is from the site because I didn't get a decent photo and it isn't what I had had in mind but when I saw it, I was just 'wow'.

It's called Persian Tiles Marrakesh crochet blanket and the kit includes the patterns and all the yarn needed.

It's actually  based on a granny square in part with fancy bits added.  I'm not going to start it yet because I'm in the middle of the Christmas one, but that lasts for six weeks, two of which have now passed, so I reckon this will be a December/January project.

I was sorely tempted by this one which was stunning in real lie but it was more expensive.  I may end up getting it anyway but not yet.

This was a kit (no, I didn't) and I took photos all round because I think I can make it at home - granny squares are trending at the moment.
I bought various shades of purple and made two squares while watching Strictly!

There was a sort of catwalk affair with some demos etc.  This lady was showing some basic cricket skills plus a few techniques that might be useful.  I tried her version of a magic ring but I prefer my way.  However, she showed a neat way to decrease and also how to make loops that are fixed and won't pull out - I haven't tried that yet but must have a go while it is still in my mind.

I picked up a few free patterns and bought one and I found most of what I was looking for.

Here's my final hoard (plus some little embroidery scissors which were still in my bag.  The purple yarns are in a neat box that is just perfect to keep things tidy.  The greens and gold are for Christmas things - I already have red so didn't get any.There's the Persian Tiles kit in the middle with some new hooks, fabric clips and markers and I picked up a shedload of web addresses, etc, too.
I could have spent an awful lot more so I'm very happy with what I did get.

The journey home was not quite as good but could have been loads worse.  The most annoying thing was that the junction off the M25 and onto the A12 was closed so the coach had to go a longer way round which added around another twenty minutes or so but not to worry, we were still back before six.

I am beginning to flake out now so I will love you and leave you and get myself up to bed pronto.  It's been a really lovely day and if Jan and Ray run another one next year, it'll be a case of 'behind me in the queue'.  I might also book a workshop in advance.  All the best ones were booked by the time we arrived.
Have any of you been to this show in past years?

Sleep well, everyone, and sweet dreams . . .  xx

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