Thursday 3 October 2024

Thursday evening, 03-10-24

Evening, everyone.
The day started very dismal and a bit damp but it brightened up gradually and by mid afternoon the sun was shining beautifully.

I set to early to prep lunch for me and Val so after she arrived I would be able to spend most of the time chatting rather than in the kitchen.  Then Chris came over and we had a jolly good natter about this, that and the other including where we would like to go for a Christmas lunch in December and when.  It's now all sorted and booked which is lovely.

Val turned up and the chatting continued.  It's been about a month and a half since I last saw her so there was plenty to cover.  Lunch went well; the quiche was delicious, salad is always nice and the little roastie type potatoes (not chip shaped) were great.  And best of all, there were enough leftovers to sort out my dinner and two lunch sized portions of quiche are now in the freezer so that sorts out a couple of lunches next week.

The 2025 diary turned up (ordered from Amazon) and I've filled in all the necessary stuff from this year's diary.  I don't like to leave it too long because all the pretty covered diaries get snapped up and I do like a pretty cover.  The insides are always the same so it definitely is a case of judging a book by its cover.  😉

As the sun came out, the garden came to life so here's just a few photos.

The bedding dahlias have been absolutely amazing.
Nature's patterns are so fantastic, aren't they?
The cyclamen - Mum gave me one corm (it is a corm, isn't it?) decades ago and it spread year after year and now covers the bed, even the bits you can't actually see because of other plants.
In a short while, the leaves will come up and pretty much cover the flowers so I am making the most of them right now.
One of those £5.99 filled barrels from Home Bargains . . .
. . . and the other, both beautifully filling out and giving a lovely splash of colour.

Definitely one of my better impulse buys!
Last, but not least, the broad beans.
They've come on so well, there are loads of flowers and this afternoon the bees were merrily buzzing around them.
Also merrily attached to one stem - just one - was some blackfly.  Ex blackfly, I should say.  I am afraid any pretence at organic gardening flies out of the window as blackflies enter the room.
At least they were spotted early, pesky things!

Well, time to wrap this up for today.  I hope you've had sunshine too; it is so very cheering after a dull morning.
Sleep well and sweet dreams, everyone.  Stay safe and warm.  xx


  1. Love the dahlias and the cyclamen-I have planted some cyclamen in our new garden beds. Slight frost this morning and a cold but beautifully sunny day. Catriona

    1. They are lovely, aren't they? It's so nice to have the continuing colour. xx

  2. Such lovely colour still in your world. You reminded me that I need to get my diary for next year as well.

    God bless.

    1. The end of the year comes around so very quickly, doesn't it? xx

  3. It was a beautiful day here, yesterday, too, and today looks as though it will be much the same. I love cyclamens - such pretty flowers and the leaves are amazingly detailed.

  4. Sounds like a lovely time with your friends, a meal out to look forward to in December too.
    Quite agree about the blackfly, they do quite a lot of damage don't they?
    Alison in Wales x
