Friday 13 September 2024

Friday evening, 13-09-24

Evening, everyone.  A very quick one this evening because I'm pretty tired after a spell awake in the middle of last night.

Slimming World group was good, as always, and it was nice to be back after a couple of weeks.  When I got home, there was a message from Beth - please could I get her x, y and z; poor love, she is suffering from a couple of consequences of taking strong antibiotics and needed some stuff from the pharmacy.  So I got the necessary, took it over and had a very quick word.  She didn't look great but I gather she's feeling a bit brighter as the day has passed.
I'm hoping she will feel well enough to come over for lunch on Sunday.  Fingers crossed, anyway.
It's almost nine and I am off up for an early night.  Did you have a good day?  Take care and have a great day tomorrow . . .  xx


  1. Some probiotics may help Beth if her stomach is upset by the antibiotics. Just home from a few days away and off to have an early night. Catriona

    1. Good point - I will suggest it to her. Thanks, Catriona. xx

  2. I have those nights, pretty awful aren't they.. hope Beth will improve.

    1. I usually sit and read until I fall asleep again. When working, I would come down and go over the planning until tiredness returned.
      Guess which I prefer - lol!
      She is feeling a little better, thank you. xx

  3. I hope everyone is feeling brighter and better this lovely sunny morning.

    1. It has been a lovely day, hasn't it? Getting cold again now though. xx
