Sunday 22 September 2024

Sunday evening, 22-09-24

Hello, everyone.  Today has been so very different to yesterday, weather wise.  We didn't have rain all day but it started off wet, cleared up, sunshine for a few minutes and then it all started again.  Good for the garden and it doesn't feel cold so . . . could be loads worse.

I realised, after Janice's comment, that I didn't give you an update on Beth.  Sorry.
The big problem was an impacted wisdom tooth which was attempting to grow sideways, pressing on the jaw nerve and causing the lockjaw and the infection.  It is still looking rather nasty, said the dentist and the tooth in question will need to come out at some point soon - not something she is looking forward to with unalloyed delight but better than the alternative.
All the actual infections seem to have calmed down for now and she is feeling much better and also very glad to have some answers.  Back to work tomorrow.  

Today was gentle.  I did a bit of housey stuff, lots of crochet, watched rubbish TV, did some exercise stuff and thought about the week ahead.
I need to get up to date with finances at the end of the month and I need to sort out my clothes for Lindsey's next pop up shop as she's only accepting contributions until the end of the month.

Did you enjoy Strictly yesterday.  They were very careful about asking the celebrities whether they were enjoying the training, weren't they, and already you can see who is due for an early bath and who could last until after Blackpool.
And Craig was his usual truthful self - I do like that man.

Time to get this sent.  Did you have a good weekend.  I do hope so. Wishing you a good week to come and stay safe and well.  Night.  xx


  1. Ouch that does sound painful! I hope she gets the tooth taken care of soon.

    1. It really was very nasty, poor Beth. She has an ongoing series of dental treatments booked in so, yes, it will be sorted. THanks, SHaron. xx

  2. My daughter had to go to hospital to have her wisdom teeth extracted when she was in her teens. Perhaps they don't do that now. I hope Beth's appointments pass without problems.
