Monday 30 September 2024

Monday evening, 30-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  When I checked the weather forecast this morning, it wasn't that encouraging, so I wasn't expecting much and wasn't disappointed.  Another day for indoor drying!  

So that's what I did - I have a neat little drying rack that is perfect for drying one load of washing and it tucks in beside a chair, out of the way, if not out of sight, and close to a radiator (which helps when it's on).  That means I have a little pile of ironing which I will do after I've posted this.

I woke at stupid o'clock this morning, wide awake, bright eyed and bushy tailed so I came down, opened up the PC and got my September finances sorted and 'closed'.

It's not been a great month for savings.  I've done the usual standing order into my non negotiable savings and there was a little left which I moved across to October's total rather than inso savings (for now).
I'm planning a No-Spend November.  It can't be October because I have various commitments including a short holiday but I think I might have an October ban on Amazon stuff apart from Christmas gifts.
As for November, all the bills will get paid, of course, as will the monthly normal spending such as food, cleaning products, petrol, etc, but no extras.   

We've agreed, Beth and I, to slimline Christmas this year anyway so that will help.

Anyway, moving on . . .

Thank you all very much for your feedback on the little tryout clip.  Much appreciated.  I'd left it as 'private' when I should have changed it to 'unlisted'.  Lesson learned!

I went out twice today.  The first was circuits.  There were four of us and Lindsey worked us hard.  I'm definitely putting in a lot more effort and seeing results in increased stamina.
And then, this afternoon, I was off to the dentist to see the hygienist and have my teeth scraped.  It was OK.  Not great fun but not bad either and I gather they weren't too bad - my teeth, I mean, not the hygienists!   

Well, I have an online chat coming up at seven so I will check this over and get it sent.  I really hope none of you have had so much rain that there are floods.  Stay safe, stay warm and dry and sleep well.  xx


  1. We came home through some heavy rain today but were very lucky with our weekend by the sea. Catriona

    1. You were lucky, yes! I'm glad you're home safely. xx

  2. Cooler and very windy today. I decided not to go grocery shopping today and instead did some baking and some catching up around the house. I am going to try a low spend October. Even though the sons have birthdays this month we already gave them their gifts in July. I might actually try for a low spend in November as well. Still picking up smallish items for the Christmas baskets but I am looking for deals and sales.

    God bless.

  3. Sounds like a productive day despite being up so early. I hate those sleepless days, but at least you made the most of the time and didn't toss and turn in bed!
