Sunday 29 September 2024

Sunday evening, 29-09-24

Good evening, lovely people.  It's been a lot less sunny today but no rain so I'll take that with gratitude, especially in light of tomorrow's forecast - eeeek.

Last day of September tomorrow so there's a little list of Things to Do, the biggest of which is closing the month's accounts and opening October's.

This morning was a lazy sort of time, although I did do a loads of darks which are drying on the rack, but this afternoon I drove over to Beth's and we had a lovely time going over arrangements prior to our forthcoming break at Center Parcs.  We booked tenpin bowling, a meat at Hucks (Alex's choice) and talked about what we are taking, found where our lodge is on the village map and, more importantly, worked out how to get to it without getting lost.  It involves going all round the houses (literally) but is pretty simple really.  It's an adapted lodge because of Beth's wheelchair.

And that was about it really.  Tomorrow is busier.

I had a play with the camcorder part of my new camera which is a lot more user friendly than the older one.  More modern, I suppose.  I uploaded straight to YouTube without editing because I don't know how to yet and I wanted to check sound.  It's nonsense really, just a clip, but the picture/sound quality isn't terrible, I think.  What do you think?
(I didn't do any intro, etc.  I have to learn that.  :-)

(second go - is this better, Sue?  Anyone?  Can you access it now?

How has your day gone?  xx

p.s., after Strictly - no spoilers but that was a surprise.  


  1. It says video unavailable for me so can't see it

    1. Oh, I know. I need to post the actual link, I think. Give me five to edit and could you have another !ook, please? xx

  2. Agree about Strictly, but the right decision x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh, it was, given the two dances in the dance off. I just was not expecting one of those couples to actually be there. That's Strictly for you! xx

  3. Can't access because the video is private. You need to select public in the live videos content. I hope that helps.

  4. I can't access the video, either . . .

  5. Ok, thanks. I'll take another look at it tomorrow. Thanks, everyone. xx

  6. Sounds like you've got a lovely holiday planned! Definitely something to look foreard to.

  7. You have a lovely holiday booked. Enjoy. I will check back later and see if I can access the video.

    God bless.
