Monday 23 September 2024

Monday evening, 23-09-24

 Morning!  It's been a soggy wet old time for much of the day although we had enough of a sunny spell to get one load of washing pretty much dried outside which was unexpected.  The second load played hokey cokey and in the end I got out the drying rack!

After I had made my first coffee (getting priorities right), I gritted my teeth and settled down to get up to date with this month's finances.  I like it when all the standing orders, etc, have gone out so what's left is really there.
It's been a spendy month, what with this, that and the other, and this morning I paid out for a forthcoming trip at the end of November to the Musical Museum (I think that's what it is called) with a concert (cinema organ, I think - my Dad would have so loved that and it's just after his birthday so a nice way to remember him) and an afternoon tea (not just a cream tea!).
Now I have a clear run to the end of the month with, hopefully, minimal expenditure.
Next month is a holiday, new glasses and dental stuff but, in semi compensation, I won't have any fitness classes to pay for as the new block starts the beginning of November and it is the annual two State Pensions month, one at the beginning and t'other right at the end.  It comes every four weeks, you see; the other pensions are per calendar month.

I got a message from the lovely Victoria the other day and now I am booked for her now traditional Christmas wreath making workshop at the beginning of December.  I so enjoy these.

Other trips coming up before the end of the year are:
The Knit and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace (hoping maybe I can find a Christmas knit or crochet project to enjoy through December)
Rochester Christmas Market and Dickensian Festival
Into London for a fish and chips tea and a tour of the Christmas Lights.

Don't they sound so lovely and festive?  I'm so fortunate to have lovely things to look forward to.

Better stop waffling and get sorted for an online chat in a short while.  Have you had a wet day too or has it been nicer your way?  
Good night, everyone.  Sweet dreams and keep warm and dry.  xx


  1. Here in Nottinghamshire we have had no stop rain, of varying heaviness from just drizzle to absolutely throwing it down, since yesterday.

    1. The weather really has turned now, for sure. And whichever way to start it, Autumn has now landed. I think you've had loads more rain than round here though. xx

  2. It's been raining practically all day here, but it's very mild.

    1. Yes, it is. No chill in the air at all. xx

  3. We’ e had a much cooler day here today with the car going for its first MOT. I have now paid the insurance on my car so an expensive September in our house with the garden makeover. Catriona

    1. Ouch, yes. That all mounts up. Worth it though - it all looks very good on those photos.
      It's been a colder night here after a mild day yesterday - I'm back in my hoodie again this morning after a week of not needing it. Fair enough, it is almost October. xx

  4. No rain in South Norfolk. We have missed it all. You have some good things to look forward to.

    1. Really? It must have been very localised then. Lucky you.
      Yes, I think I do - it's going to be good. xx

  5. Oh yes, first priority in the morning should always be coffee. :-) Like you I quite enjoy sitting down and checking the banking and making sure all the payments have gone out on time, and hopefully that there is some left over to move to savings.
