Thursday 26 September 2024

Thursday evening, 26-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  It's really not been a very pleasant day today, weather wise.  We did have sun from time to time but we also had some torrential rain and in the afternoon the wind got up and, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the runners and the tomatoes are on the ground tomorrow morning.

The new camera and the card reader arrived and I managed to get the photos off the memory card using the reader.  It's obviously the camera that has stopped talking to the PC.  I'll try it again tomorrow but I don't hold up much hope.

A much better photo than the one the mobile took.  Oh, well.

In the meanwhile, the new camera charged up, I formatted the memory card (it is absolutely tiny!) and I've started browsing through the manual.  Much of it is the same as I am sure most digi cameras are and I will devote a bit of time to exploring what it does and doesn't do.  I was expecting it to be smaller than the old one but it isn't, it is bigger.  I think it's a bit lighter though.,
Sadly, the batteries are different so I can't re-use the old ones but this new one came with two batteries which is such a good idea.

I will keep the old camera though.  The only problem is that it's not talking to the PC but I can use the card reader so why not?  

As always, the online SET class was good although the internet (which has been very flaky again this week) went down just as Lindsey dialled so I accessed it on my phone instead.  Not so easy as the picture is so small but there were only two of us plus Lindsey online; everyone else was at the studio.  I managed - loads better than missing it entirely.

Diane came over for lunch - Diane is the friend I went on the cruise with last Christmas.  We had a really lovely catch up time and have set another date when we would like to go into town.  Diane is on another cruise soon and needs a few clothes.

And that was pretty much everything today.  A really good day.  Tomorrow is SW weigh in - so fingers crossed.
Sweet dreams, one and all.  Stay safe.  xx


  1. Glad your new camera has arrived and it’s easy to operate. Very chilly day today after a wet start so time to break out the long sleeved T-shirts. Catriona

    1. Thanks. I'm not totally convinced by the photo quality but, as spare, it will be fine. I wish I knew what went wrong with the panasonic. Old age, maybe? xx

  2. Have fun with your new camera.
    We have had rain of Biblical proportions today. At least the dogs had a good bath. I haven't smelt damp dog for a long time.

  3. Sorry about the weather. A new camera is always a challenge to learn. I'll have to go back to another post and see what one you've ordered. I'm sure that once you get the hang of it you'll be ok.
