Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday evening, 01-09-24

 Good evening, everyone.  Phew, it has been a scorcher today.  A good start to September.

I forgot to say;  yesterday I treated myself to a drive over to Lathcoats.  I was looking for two specifics, neither of which the had, but their apple table is set up now.  They grow a wide variety of apples on the farm and in the autumn they have a table with labelled samples of each kind and a knife so one can cut off a bit and taste.
I now have an abundance of apple so it is just as well I love them!
They also had their plums for sale so guess what I bought.
I also stocked up on frozen cherries and blackberries from their scoop and bag freezers and some pumpkin seeds and nuts from their serve yourself thingies.
It was nice looking round, even if they didn't have what I was looking for.

And then today I went over to HomeSense, Matalan and Home Bargains (Or is it B&Q, I always muddle those two) deliberately to get autumnal rubbish.  Bad me!  I dug out the little pumpkins, etc, that I crocheted last year and now the garden room is all autumnified.

Unnecessary but nice, don't you think?

I also got some needed stuff too - a few storage jars and a couple of waist slips because mine were in danger of falling down!

I've done some pottering around, a bit of kitchen stuff and generally chilled again.  Tomorrow is busy enough to need a list and Tuesday is the next tussle with the dentist, hopefully the last for now.  The tooth has been fine since the emergency treatment but I am nervous about it.

I hope your September has started well.  Sleep well and sweet dreams, everyone.  xx


  1. Your garden room looks lovely. love the cushions and your display of crocheted pumpkins.

  2. Looking lovely and the trees near our house are turning already. Catriona

    1. They are here too - it's very early, isn't it? I wonder if that means anything (apart from longer term global warning, that is) xx

  3. It's looking really lovely. The cushion is beautiful and your cute pumpkins really look great amongst the autumnal colours.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'm really happy with the cushions. I was after something quite different but when I saw them it was just 'Yess!. Good old Matalan!
      I'd have liked to make some applique ones but couldn't get sufficient motivation up. xx

  4. Lovely decorating for autumn. Love all the pumpkins and colourful leaves.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. The seasonal decorations are what will introduce colour into the garden room and I'm happy with how it looks. xx

  5. The apple tasting sounded good.
    I'm not embracing autumn until I have no choice, but your decorations look very jolly.

    1. !
      I count Autumn from Sept 21/22nd/whenever but I have no objection to brightening up the garden room ahead of time. xx

  6. They look pretty, but I still insist on clinging on to the last of summer :) Xx

  7. Hello Joy. Today is a catching up day for me in blogland. A whole month, can you believe it! You have had some lovely trips recently and I enjoyed seeing the photos of the V&A and Wisley. Neither of which I have visited yet but they are on my to visit list. I am going to look out my pumpkin and Autumn leaves. Thank you for the reminder.
    Your broad bean babies are doing well and the runner beans look a tasty treat. I'm not sure if I have any left after being away. I must go and check.
    Have a great September x

    1. Lovely to have you back again. Your summer sounds fantastic.
      You have a great September too. xx

  8. Oh I do like those crocheted pumpkins. It's feeling very damp and autumnal here today.

    1. We have sunshine now but earlier it was pretty damp and autumnal. xx
