Saturday 7 September 2024

Saturday evening, 07-09-24

Good evening, everyone.  It's seven thirty and already I have the curtains drawn.  The nights really are closing in now and it's almost time for snuggle hood (oodie) curling up on my recliner, I think.

It was a good journey home.  There were all the expected hold-ups - the Wisley roundabout was busy and the traffic moved very slowly but the signposting is excellent and, as it is traffic light controlled, I got round without any hassle, just some stops and starts.
Then the Dartford Tunnel was also very slow - some poor individual had broken down at the exit to the left hand tunnel so that really did slow things down.
The A12 roundabout was busy and slow but, again, no real hassles.
And the rest was absolutely fine.

As I drove past the Clock Tower precinct on the way through Chelmsford, I stopped there and did my bit of fruit and veg shopping plus a few other bits and bobs like milk.  That's all done for the week now, I hope.

When I got home, I went into the garden and picked what had ripened while I was away.  Loads of tomatoes, a couple of portions of runners and some dwarf beans as well.  I'm going to have to make some pasta sauce, I think, for the freezer.

I'm all unpacked and settled in now.  Feeling a bit achey too as I do stay very tense on the M25 - it's not my favourite drive by a long way.  I'm sure it will ease and a good night's sleep will sort it all out.
I'll have some washing and some housework to do tomorrow but there will be plenty of time to chill so that's nice.

I'm trying to catch up with blogs that I follow.  Please forgive me if I miss a few out, the notifications don't always seem to come through.  I'll try to keep up now.

Have a good evening, everyone, a good night's sleep and a lovely day tomorrow.  xx


  1. Your tomatoes, runners, and beans are beautiful. Take it easy and rest up tonight. Everything else can wait until tomorrow.

  2. What a lovely harvest from your garden! I made pizza yesterday with some frozen garlic bread which I topped with air fried tomatoes squooshed with a spoonful of tomato ketchup. Topped with peppers and sliced cheese. DH had chopped ham on his too. It was delicious for minimal effort. Catriona

    1. Ooooh, that sounds lovely! So delicious! xx

  3. Those tomatoes look delicious. I know exactly how you feel on the M25, I consider myself fortunate not to have to drive that way often!
    Going away is always nice but coming home is even nicer.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They are very tasty, so much nicer than all but the most expensive bought tomatoes.
      Yes, you are fortunate. It's a pain and a half at times, the M25, although, to be fair, apart from the obvious issues, it was pretty smooth driving and getting round London without it would be dreadful. It is very busy though. xx

  4. It's always a relief to leave the M25. I hope the tension has left you now. It's good to be home again.

    1. It has, thanks, Janice. Nice and relaxed again now. xx

  5. A trip to Wisley is a joy but at the same time it can be very tiring. I once did the trip from Devon, there and back in a day; I was absolutely whacked when I arrived home. My mum had kindly looked after my children for the day..I think she was just as worn out too! 😁

    1. Oh - now that's what I call a journey! No wonder you were exhausted (and your mum!)
      I'm sure I'll be first in the queue when they do this trip next year - I'm pretty sure they will as it is very popular and is always booked up quickly. xx

  6. Glad to hear you made it home safely. It feels good to get the grocery shopping done. Hope you had a good night’s sleep and feel rested.

  7. Oops. Forgot to say that was me, AwakenedSoul.

  8. I imagine the achiness was being so tense as you drove. The garden harvest looks lovely!

    1. Yes, I am sure it was just that. I was fine the next day. Thanks. xx

  9. I'm trying to catch up, myself. I noticed it was completely dark, shortly after eight this evening.
    Yay! for more fresh garden produce. X
