Friday 27 September 2024

Friday evening, 27-09-24

Evening, lovely people.  Welcome to my Friday blog.
Absolutely shocking weather this morning but, by around midday, it had all cleared up apart from the wind and that seems to have died down now too.  I hope it's not been too bad your way and am thinking about the situation in parts of America where, I gather, it has been awful.

The tomatoes and beans survived though.

Slimming World was as good as it ever is this morning (excellent, in other words) and when I got home, I wrapped up warm and then spent most of the rest of the day finishing off my knitted jumper.  All finished now and it will be lovely and cosy warm.

I made myself a fakeaway chicken fajitas for dinner and now I feel exceedingly stuffed and getting sleepy.  What a piggy, eh?

And that's about it.  Short and sweet so I will love you and leave you to enjoy your Friday evening, whether you are chilling at home or out and about.
Take care, everyone.  xx


  1. I'd just commented on yesterday's post when you put up another one so maybe you won't check yesterday's again. I asked if maybe your camera problem could be that you need a replacement lead - that worked for me.

    1. Funny you should say that because I dug out my second lead and it has behaved itself all day until this evening when I had to use the card reader. A new lead won't cost that much so definitely worth a try, thanks very much.

      I do go back and answer, so I will pop back and read. xx

  2. Hopefully you'll post a photo of your jumper x
    Alison in Wales x

  3. Started wet and is finishing wet and windy. Had a walk for about an hour this afternoon and the spoiled it by having a coffee and a danish. Catriona
