Saturday 21 September 2024

Saturday evening, 21-09-24

Good evening, everyone.

I said I would post some broad bean photos so here they are - I did a montage because there are three . . .

No blackfly - yet!

After a bit of bustling around doing last minute things this morning,  I joined the other four at the car park and we had a lovely, autumnal walk along to the cafe for coffee, then round the lake and back again after which we all decamped to mine for lunch.  I was crossing my fingers a bit because I had popped the food in the oven and set it using the timer - and I had to find the manual because I couldn't remember how to do that.
It worked!  Phew.

Lunch was really lovely.  I don't mean the food (it was fine, mind you, hardly any left), I mean sitting in the garden socialising, laughing, chatting, just enjoying life.  Fab.  We must do this again!

Going back to the walk, suddenly we were overtaken by someone buzzing merrily along in a wheelchair and, lo and behold, it was Beth!  Surprise!!  So we had a little chat and I asked her if she could look in John Lewis because Jo Malone has brought out a new perfume, linked with Paddington Bear, called Marmalade.  It's gone viral so I didn't hold out much hope and I was right - no luck.  So I have registered with Jo Malone to be told when it comes back into stock.  Their Orange Bitters scent is also coming out again for Christmas and I dearly love that scent.

Maybe . . . or maybe I mean oh, dear

Just look at this!  It was in the BBC Good Food Mag as an ad for Aldi and it is a recipe.  Wensleydale and Cranberry Focaccia.
Ooooh - I really want to make this and have downloaded the recipe from the site.
Here's the link, should any of you be interested.

There's another one that looks rather nice there too - orange and rosemary.
Oh, dear!! (again)

Well, Strictly has started so I will have to rewind back to the start.

I hope your day has been as lovely as mine.  Night, everyone.  xx


  1. What a very satisfactory day you've had. I'm glad lunch was a success and you had a splendid time with your friends. It sounds as though Beth is well on the road to recovery, too.

    1. She is, thanks. She got a lot of help from the dentist on Friday, the infections have all cleared up and she's back to work on Monday. I think she's pretty tired but that's inevitable really.
      Thanks, Janice. xx

  2. Doesn’t that focaccia look scrumptious! Glad your walk went well and it’s lovely to have company for lunch. As you can see, I have been busy in the garden. Catriona

    1. It really does. I want to make it sometime, when I have friends are round - maybe team it with some kind of dip or blend. I wonder what would go? I think onion chutney, for sure . . .
