Tuesday 5 December 2023

Tuesday, 05-12-23: Blogmas 5

Good morning, everyone.  I was awake a bit early this morning but not too bad, just earlier than I would have chosen.  There's lots of things bubbling around in my head so that's probably why.  It's not a problem but I feel a Little List coming on to ensure it all gets done.
I get great comfort in a Little List.  Do you?

Today's Advent Calendar from the Body Shop gave me this - one of those shower scrubby things.  I've just looked on the site and it is called a 'bath lily'. 

I remember these from years gone by, made of plastic or nylon possibly.  However, this is made from plant fibres which is, presumably, much better for the environment.  If so, that's good.
I use flannels for washing and have a great stack of them but I'm happy to give this a go and see how it goes.

I'm loving yesterday's offering, the Shea body butter.  When I'm in town, I think I will look for a bigger tub of it - my arms and legs feel so much better after just one day of using it and that pot was small./

Yesterday was one of those busy days.

Because Alex was round for lunch, I get everything prepped and cooked a netted turkey breast in Nellie the Ninja.  I've done chicken in the air fryer so expected that it would be OK and it was.  It came out very nicely cooked and sliceable, just like the ham I did yesterday.

Then I started some more moving stuff about, this time from the garage.  Now, all my supplies of poly bags, easy leave sheets, rolls of cling film and baking parchment, recycling bags from the council, etc, are far more accessible.
I have so much because most of it is from Mum and Dad's stuff.

Small group circuits was great.  I think I was still under the influence of the sugar overload from Sunday because I felt very energetic and sort of 'buzzing' - do you know what I mean?  
Anyway, it was lovely to get back to it after taking last week off.

Roast dinner was great and both Al and I enjoyed it very much.  Then he helped me move all the china I am keeping for him (from Mum and Dad's), all the cutlery and a few other bits and bobs, some of which he took with him.

After I had driven him home, I really just chilled for the rest of the day, watched some Vlogmas videos, It Takes Two and House of Games and made plans for this, that and the other.
All very satisfactory!

Today starts with Chris and me walking down to Groove class at St Andrews Hall.  After that, I will freshen up, have a quick breakfast and then I want to get the bus into town.  I have a list - of course I do - and I really want to look round the new and ginormous Range that opened in the old Debenhams's shop on the High Street.  I gather there were queues right down the High Street last Friday on opening day but it might not be so bad today.
It's quite exciting to have a Range in town.

When I get home, I have earmarked the next cupboards to go through and move stuff around.  I will get there although it seems endless right now.  

So that's today - hopefully, it will be productive and satisfying.  Fingers crossed anyway.  I'm hoping your day will go really well too.  xx

Today's Christmas music makes me smile.  A jolly little ditty given some serious class by the amazing a capella group, Voces8.   Some outstanding vocal arrangement here - those jazz harmonies.  Wow!


  1. Mornin' Joy. I'm making the most of a great signal to read all the posts that I've missed. Those scrubby things always remind me of pan scrubbers.

    1. Exactly - only softer!!
      How nice to have a better signal. xx

  2. It sounds like a good day - very pleasant. You don't stop, do you? x x x

    1. < chuckle > occasionally I do and sometimes I can be very lazy! :-) xx

  3. I don't think I could survive without my little lists at this time of year, Joy.
    You are getting some lovely little bits and bobs from your Body shop calendar. I think the shea butter would be my favourite so far.
    Enjoy your trip to the Range. Let me know if it is worth a visit next time we are down in Chelmsford :-)

    1. I got myself a bigger tub. I think it might very well be a regular from now on. I'm getting more inclined to pamper myself than I used to.
      The range was - very, very big!! Two floors rather than the three Debenhams used to be and I found it rather bewildering. It was very busy, of course.

      I have promised myself a good look round into the new year when, hopefully, it won't be so manic. Loads and loads of stuff and I want to have time and space to just browse. I think it's worth looking round, if only for the experience.

  4. Nice advent gift of the shower scrubby/lily.

    1. Ye3sw, it was. Useful - I like a useful thing. xx

    2. I enjoy your blog as always. I only read a few now, and I do have trouble commenting on most of them since I do not have a blog. I love your little building especially that window. Looks like you will have a fun place to enjoy. When do you leave for your vacation?

    3. A few days before Christmas - so there's a couple of weeks still to go, thank goodness. :-)

  5. A great choice of Christmas music Joy 🤩 This rendition of Santa Clause is Coming to Town is astounding!
    Love the scrubby thing from your calendar it looks good. I got a mascara from my Boots one today.
    I think I shall have a jaunt to the Range one day soon as Sue would have enjoyed having a look too.

    1. If you do, if you would like, let me know and we can perhaps meet up for a coffee in town. Obviously, no pressure though. :-)

      Voces8 are a fantastic group, I think, on a par with the likes of the King's SIngers. I do love vocal music so much.

      I bought a mascara today as my old one was running out - I had to search for brown though - they were all black!

  6. Oops forgot to say that it’s Christine!

  7. Gosh quite a busy day, that Range will be huge as the Debenhams store was big, The Range is a nice shop, but I'd prefer a Debenhams.

    1. Two floors instead of the original three and I did like looking round Debenhams, as did lots of people. However, I rarely bought anything there - and that was their problem, I think. Plenty of lookers, not many payers.

  8. Great rendition of that song. I love it. Hmm, next time I am in The Body Shop I am going to look for one of those scrubbies.

    God bless.

    1. It's really nice - I think they do a bigger version too. Hoping you find one. xx

  9. Hope you had a good day out! I love The Range. It's one of those places I like to visit when I'm back. They have a good craft section, though the wait in the queue wasn't good last time I was back. There was only one person on the till and she had a customer who had a problem.

    1. Yes, the crafting section was a delight (and not so crowded). There was a good range of yarn (no, I didn't, but was tempted by the colours) and want to spend more time in that section when I go back.
      Yesterday the queues for the checkout were daunting although, to be fair, they got through us pretty quickly really.
      And the coffee smelled amazing!
      And it was nice to see a shop buzzing with customers.
