Wednesday 11 October 2023

Wednesday, 11-10-23

 Good morning, everyone.  It's still very mild around here, even overnight, but it looks as if there's a change in the air as BBC predicts that after a very pleasant day, rain is on the way for the next few days.  Long overdue, I guess.

It was quite a day yesterday.

Groove was lovely.  The time goes so quickly and we do have some laughs along the way as well as feeling very virtuous to be doing the exercise anyway!

Diane arrived a little while later and we had such a lovely time.  Lots of laughs and we sorted out a lot of stuff regarding the cruise, etc.  She showed me how to get the NHS app on my phone (it wasn't hard, I'm just not very techy minded) so I was able to access those latest test results and, as I thought, everything was normal/satisfactory/etc.  That's nice.

She left, and in the twenty minutes or so before Seth arrived, I decided to check my governor mail box in case there were any updates, new documentation for the meeting, etc.
It's just as well I did.  The governors' meeting has been cancelled because, poor things, they got the Big O phone call yesterday.  Yes, Ofsted are in today and tomorrow for the first inspection since 2008.  Poor headteacher - she's only been in post since September and look what has happened.  However, as part of an academy trust with the two former heads now as trustees and working for the trust, she will have all the support she needs/wants, I am sure.

As the teachers among you will appreciate, I am more than thankful I got the training done and read the KCSIE stuff because they are essentials for a successful Ofsted.  They look at our visit reports and check our necessary training, etc.  Oh, my gosh - I can't say how relieved I am.  I would HATE to be the one to be responsible for an 'unsatisfactory' outcome.

Good luck to them today and tomorrow.

Then Seth arrived.  It was a most successful head to head discussion about the garden room.  We got a lot of things sorted regarding all sorts of details and the extras that they will be doing, down to things like how many sockets in each part and that one will be a USB plug combi which will be very handy.
Seth said they don't normally decorate because, certainly for home extensions, the customer can keep changing their minds and making the whole thing much more complicated so it's better for them to wait and really think it through once the structure is up.  However, as I just want it plain white for now, that won't be an issue and they will do it.  Also, he is happy for them to install the cupboards along the back wall for storage - and won't that make a big difference inside the house too!
We decided on colours, materials, final size, oh, lots of things.
And I have a date.  Oct 30th.  Provisional, I know, but it's a date.  At long last, it is happening.  Phew.

They're also repairing the walls around my raised beds at the same time, so Heir's life really is coming to an end now - but not before I have the current crop of courgettes grown and cut.

Come the evening I was pretty shattered so went to bed early and woke early this morning.  It's not exactly an idle day today but with the meeting this evening out of the picture, it feels it.
I'm off to Hobbycraft to get some buttons first thing.  Then Mel is coming over to drop off my Avon order and stay for coffee and chat.
Between that and personal training, I want to move some stuff from the shed into the garage temporarily.  There will be a big shift around once the garden room is in use anyway so it is time to start thinking about details.

But no meeting come the evening.  The last thing the head wants is a meeting to meet her full governing board for the first time; she will need to prepare for the next day.

So that's today.  I will be thinking a lot about the school and hoping all is going well.  It should; it's a fantastic school, but you never know with Ofsted, do you?
Have a super day, everyone, with lots of good happenings.  xx


  1. I too wish your school the best of luck - so glad that the Big O is behind me now. Pleased to hear your garden room is soon to be a reality - can’t wait to see it!
    Suze x

    1. Thank you, Suze. I guess everyone will be in as I type - the doors usually unlock at 7:30 but I'm sure it is an earlier start today. And tomorrow.

  2. Good luck to your school and the poor Headteacher. She's been flung in the deep end!! I think your English system is better in that you don't have much time to get stressed about it. Up here you have 2 full weeks of mania where the HT tries to change everything to fit what they're looking for. And then when they come they're actually looking for 'other stuff.' So happy to be out of it all now!! Sounds like your garden room will be amazing!! xxx

    1. I remember the very first Ofsted we had we got about six weeks/two months' notice. It was not nice, that time before they arrived. Yes, it is better and it does mean you can't fake things, but it's never nice really, is it? I suppose, as a governor, I am still involved to a limited extent but there's no compulsion to meet and talk to the inspectors if we'd rather not, thank goodness. I still get those cold chills just thinking about it all.
      < shudder >

    2. Oh my that was a close shave with your training/paperwork. The dreaded big O it makes my heart miss a beat just reading the name Ofsted. I do wish the school well and your poor head teacher talk about a baptism of fire for her. Crossed fingers. Regards Sue H

    3. Wasn't it just. It's odd how instinct works, isn't it?
      The name has that effect on me too. It's terribly wrong, isn't it, it really shouldn't have that effect. xx

  3. It's much better having just a couple of days to worry rather than weeks before an inspection. Never nice to go through, but necessary , I suppose.

    1. Never nice, I agree. Necessary? Maybe. I'd have more faith in them if they weren't so politically led, I think. xx

  4. What is a garden room? Am I over thinking this?.

    1. < chuckle > I guess you could call it a glorified shed, Brenda.
      Wikipedia says
      'In gardening, a garden room is a secluded and partly enclosed space within a garden that creates a room-like effect. Such spaces have been part of garden design for centuries. '
      I'll Google a few images and post them in tomorrow's blog. xx

  5. Outbuilding. Lol. At my home before I moved to condo, I had a huge outbuilding with electric and siding that matched the house. Lordy mercy. I wasn’t sure if you meant a greenhouse to grow plants. I keep forgetting we say yard…sorry Brenda

    1. I think it comes down to the purpose - to me an outbuilding is like a brick built (or permanent in other ways) coal or storage shed rather than something that's going to be used as an extension of my home. Back in the olden days, one outhouse was likely to be the loo! And back yard implies a small, concreted over, walled or fences area rather than one with plants, etc. It's just purpose and language differences, isn't it? :-)
      I might have a few nice pot plants in my garden room but it won't be a greenhouse, for sure. :-)
