Wednesday 18 October 2023

Wednesday, 18-10-23

 Good morning, one and all.  Wasn't yesterday gorgeous - at least, I hope it was for you.  Round here it was sunny and reasonably mild and designed to lift the spirits!  Ad for today - well, it looks OK until mid afternoon and then the heavens are predicted to open and it will pour.  

Thank you all so very much for your lovely, helpful advice.  It gives me plenty to think about and look out for.  I obviously need to do my research but I have one more question for now - I get that jeans are not a good idea - assuming long johns of some kind, how about jogging bottoms and over-trousers?  or do I need to consider ski trousers - are they wind and waterproof?

There isn't a Cotswold Outdoors anywhere near here.  The nearest seems to be either London or Bury.  Ditto for Blacks, funnily enough.  However, there is a shop called Rohan, fairly close to the centre of town.  I thought we had a Millets but it must have closed, as have a number or other small outdoorsy shops.  Sign of the times.

Anyway, I feel a trip to Rohan's coming on - if it's worth its salt, they will advise and show me stuff.  I can also look online but it will be good to actually see what stuff looks like.

Groove was great.
When Chris and I got to the hall, the car park was full which was odd.  Yes, the group was big but usually there's plenty of spaces until the very last moment.  However, as we danced and bounced away, we realised that the school ('my' school) was arriving for their Harvest Festival and that was why.  I guess everyone else arriving for it parked on the road (which is allowable, it's a wide road and doesn't really go anywhere).

It was nice to feel a bit warmer as I worked my way through the day and the heating is definitely staying off for now as temperatures are not predicted to be than low really.  I might possibly put it on when I have visitors, just in case, but I think it should be OK.

I can share some lovely news about Beth - not the news I mentioned the other week and then said I couldn't say yet (sorry about that) but something else.  A few of you who are facebook 'friends' with her will know already but she had a new job - well, not totally new, still in the same area of work and with the NHS but a different area with more responsibilities and two grades up from where she is now.  It's on secondment but could become a longer appointment, depending on funding and she is absolutely delighted.
As she said, her salary is now 'average' and after struggling on benefits for so long (carer parents of SEND children have a very rough time all round), it is all a great relief.
(I promise I will tell you the other news when I can)

As I'm out all day tomorrow, Chris is coming over for our coffee and chat today.  After that and breakfast, I want to make the most of the predicted dry weather to get some more shed shifting done and then I want to go to Sainsbury's, partly to look at the clothes and partly to get a few bits and bobs I can only get there.
There's no personal training this week or next.

The forecast for tomorrow is dire here, but not so terrible for Ely.  All the same, I will make sure I have appropriate outerwear out and ready.  Fingers crossed.

What a rambling post today - sorry, everyone.  I hope the weather isn't going to be too bad round your way and that you have a good day anyway.  All the best.  xx


  1. I am in Cornwall at the moment and rain is forecast all day. Yesterday was really windy so a great blowy walk on the beach blew the cobwebs away!
    Suze x

    1. Lovely about the wind - I love a blowy beach walk and I hope the waves were amazing.
      Not so great about the rain. Hopefully it won't be too wet. xx

  2. Long johns, joggers and over trousers are a perfect combo. I use an electric wheelchair and would say that if you think you may spend some time sitting make sure that your socks are long enough! Nicky

    1. Brilliant - I would wear joggers at other times you see. Not so sure about ski trousers. I don't make a habit of visiting the Arctic Circle, after all! :-)
      Good point about socks. Knee length it is! Thanks very much. xx

    2. You may well get the habit! After 2 Norwegian cruises we have just booked an Icelandic cruise (going via Ireland and returning via Norway)🤗

    3. Well . . . you have a point there . . . < grin >

  3. Lovely news for Beth and the new job.
    Hopefully you won't get too wet in Ely tomorrow.

    1. Those potential over-trousers would have come in very useful tomorrow, I think. LOL. Thanks, Sue, my fingers are crossed. xx

  4. Great news for your daughter, sounds well deserved. My husband's twin sister struggled with finances after her and her husband parted as their son is SEND.
    It was cold and windy here yesterday and pretty wet today. Hope you enjoy your trip tomorrow and stay dry.

    1. As if it wasn't hard enough already - it's like a slap in the face, isn't it? I'm sorry for your sister in law and hope things are better for her now. xx

  5. Rohan are top notch, IMO one of the top two, but both carry eyewatering price tags. Leggings/joggers would be a good choice, best if outer layer are wind and waterproof. A tip my friend was given for her cruise is to put those foil type insulating insoles in her boots. Great tip from Nicky about the socks too.

    1. That is the thing, isn't it? I don't want to get anything I won't be using afterwards really.
      I'#ve never come across foil insulating insoles. I'll definitely look them up, thanks. xx

  6. Lovely post and I read back, lots of trips booked ahead.

    1. Yes - all very exciting. There's a couple of others I would like but they are too close to something else. Chichester is one. Not to worry! xx

  7. Sorry if someone else already suggested this, but one item of clothing I find occasionally useful in bad weather is a pair of stretch jogging pants - rather than the cotton jersey type - reason being they dry extremely quickly and are lightweight to wear with or without the overtrousers........ when I say pants I mean leggings of course not knickers!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I have several pairs of proper exercise leggings. Would they do, I wonder? xx

    2. I think the point about quick drying is valid, but if you have looser fitting clothes the air between the layers will help to insulate you from the cold Nx

    3. I guess it is down to how many layers. I'm a great layer girl - I have three on at the moment . . . :-) xx

  8. It was beautiful here yesterday as well. It's windy today with occasional rain - not the downpour we were promised, at least, not yet.
    Congratulations to Beth:-)
    You sound as though you're getting well ahead with your organisation. Thermal underwear is a must for the cold.

    1. I've come to that conclusion too and I can use it afterwards to help keep myself warm without having to turn up the heating. Win win.
      It's been raining here for an hour or so here and I have packed a waterproof backpack for tomorrow! :-) xx

  9. I missed yesterday (too much work) but if it's not too late to throw in some outdoor clothes suggestions, try Mountain Warehouse, Trespass or Go Outdoors. The first two are usually in towns, but you might find that Go Outdoors are only the biger out-of-town shopping places.

    Great news about Beth. I peek at her pictures of Peter and the gang on Facebook.

    1. Not too late at all, Suzie, thank you very much for this. I'll look them up. xx

  10. Think Primark do some thermal leggings ect (Well they did last year!)

    1. I feel a trip into town coming on - when the rain stops! Thanks very much, Lola's Mum. xx

  11. Congrats to Beth!

    I sometimes do leggings instead of my thermals. If you're wanting waterproof though I'd go with ski trousers. They are a little bulky though.

    1. Mmmm - decisions, decisions. I'm taking a few days to ponder it all. Thanks very much. xx

  12. As I used to say as a forest school leader - there's no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing. I am sure there's a connection here somewhere!!
    Suze x

    1. Absolutely right - although I'm not looking forward to today's rain!! :-)

  13. Wonderful news on Beth and well deserved. I hope they keep her at the new job.

    1. Thanks, Marjorie. I think it all depends on finding so fingers crossed! :-) xx

  14. Sending my congratulations to Beth. How wonderful!!!

    I usually wear leggings or jeggings under my waterproof pants. That does mean you would have to bring some nicer trousers as well to wear when you are in the hotel.

    God bless.

    1. That wouldn't be a problem - I'll have waterproof on my legs anyway, it all depends if it's trousers or over-trousers really.
      Thanks - I'm so pleased about Beth.

  15. Go where it’s warm…just a thought. Brenda

    1. < chuckle > Trouble is, they don't have husky sledding, ice hotels and Northern Lights in warmer climes. xx

  16. I am not sure where you are going. One of the grands studied n Italy, Greece, and England visited Wales and Ireland. . She is going to Iceland over Thanksgiving. Another grand studied Italy. The third one who just entered Purdue hopes to do the same. Enjoy…I have had enough snow and ice to last me a life time my friend. Lol Brenda

    1. It's a cruise called 'In search of the Northern Lights'. We've sailing from Southampton and cruising up the Norwegian coast to the Arctic Circle. The holiday of a lifetime. xx

  17. Yes the Primark thermal leggings are back this year and only £7. Recommend.

    1. Now, why do I feel a trip to Primark coming on - tomorrow, maybe???
      Many thanks. xx
