Monday 16 October 2023

Monday, 16-10-23

Morning, everyone.  It's the half way point of October and we have out first frost of the season this morning.  I've just braved outside to check the garden thermometer and it's -0.6.  I guess I really do have to consider putting the heating on although my fluffy boot slippers, pjs and oodie are doing a good job right now.  
I'll think about it!

I'm finding it hard to remember exactly what I did yesterday - which means not very much really.  I really must get my act together.
I remember one thing.- I booked another coach trip!  I know it sounds like I'm being very spendthrift with these trips but they are spread all over next year and if you don't book a seat when they come out, you might miss the opportunity.  This one is for Norwich at the end of March.

Beth and I had plans to spend some time in Norwich.  Alex went to UEA which is based there and it's a lovely, historical place.  However, lockdown intervened and then Beth got her full time job once she stopped needing to be Alex's carer and we never went.  So when I saw that on the newsletter, I jumped at the opportunity.  The thing is, I could drive there or I could take the train but by the time you have considered petrol, fares, parking costs, not to mention the sheer convenience of letting the coach driver do it all, it's a no brainer really.  Unlike the Ely trip on Thursday, there's nothing organised so, like Windsor, I am free to organise the day as I wish and there seems to be plenty to see and do.
I've just checked my mailbox and I have confirmation that I have a place and also there's the final details of the Ely trip.  Excellent!

Today, the diary is blank apart from small group circuits.  If it warms up, I must harvest the rest of the mini courgettes and get Heir into the brown bin - he is looking very sad this morning but he has done a great job this year and I may very well repeat it next year.  

Apart from that, there's a bit of shed to do and a bit of general housework.  The usual stuff.  99% of our days are 'usual stuff', aren't they - those regular routines that keep life flowing and pleasant.  I just hope it stays like that.
Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx


  1. Air frost here again. But a fine day forecast.
    Hope you have a good day too

    1. Thanks, Sue. Same here and it is forecast to be a lot warmer as the day goes on and overnight so - I'll leave the heating off for now. :-) xx

  2. There is nothing spendthrift there, do any trips you can before it all stops. Besides, it's educational too! Enjoy! x

    1. Good point - educational is good. < chuckle >

  3. Your trips are lovely and well deserved - after all, it's your money, it's up to you what you do with it. And we readers like your trips too as we can share in them - by reading about them and seeing all the wonderful photos you take. xx

    1. My camera/PC don't seem to be talking right now. Most annoying. Fingers crossed they are friends again today. :-)

  4. We had frost yesterday and had to scrape ice off the car windscreen. Zero here again this morning but it's bright and sunny - so far.
    Another trip to look forward to - that's lovely.

    1. They're fairly scattered about over next year but, yes, it is so nice to have them to look forward to, isn't it. Fortunate.
      It's much warmer here this morning, thankfully. xx

  5. I think we had a little frost this morning.
    Your trip to Norwich will be something lovely to look forward to next year. Enjoy your visit to Ely this week.

    1. I think it was pretty widespread really. I'm glad this morning is milder again. xx

  6. We should be getting our first killing frost sometime this week. Glad most of the flowers are taken care of, and I hope to get the rest done tomorrow.

    Enjoy all your trips. Everything sounds lovely.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I do enjoy these single day outings and it's so nice to let the coach driver do all the hard work.
