Tuesday 26 September 2023

Tuesday, 26-09-23

Morning, everyone!  How are things?  It's still dark here but I've been out to the shed to get in the day's provisions and it's dry and mild at the moment but it doesn't look good for this morning really.
In contrast, yesterday was absolutely gorgeous with wall to wall sunshine and summer temperatures.

I've just been over to the BBC site to check the weather and saw, sadly, that David McCallum has passed away (age 90, natural causes).  Those of us of a certain age might have had him as one of our heart throbs of the 1960s for his role as Illya Kuryakin in the Man From UNCLE series.  Oh, how I loved him - my bedroom was covered with posters of him and I had a massive scrapbook filled with articles and pictures.  It makes me laugh now how besotted I was as a teenager!
It makes me smile now.
He had a good life really, won awards and accolades for his dramatic work in both film and TV and was highly respected (said the BBC) but, for me, he will always be that blond Russian agent.

Anyway - back to the present and, as it was such a lovely morning, I dealt with more tomato plants and the brown bin is full again.  Unfortunately, it's black bin collection this week but not to worry, I can probably shove in some more very light stuff although it's quite heavy so nothing too substantial.  Maybe I can borrow some space in next door's bin - if I need to, I will ask.
All the plants are stripped of fruit now and I have a tray of green ones in the kitchen.  Some look to be turning read which is great, and I need to get them all processed before next Monday so the clock is ticking.
This makes me feel rather sad - end of a season, back to nondescript tasting tomatoes.  But next season is already on the way!  😊

Circuits was lovely although I felt a bit lacking in energy for some reason.  Lindsey moved it all outside so we could enjoy the fine weather and it was fun.

Today starts with Groove and Chris is coming along today which is nice.  
The weather isn't promising but, if possible, I want to do a bit more shed clearing.  The stash of tinned food can go upstairs and there are still bits and pieces that need chucking.
Then, in the afternoon, I have my Covid jab scheduled so will be driving into town for that and plan to take life very easy for the rest of the day.  I had a few aches after the last one but nothing to fuss about so a nice drink of coffee and some R&R should work a treat!
And then, come the evening, both House of Games and Strictly: It Takes Two are back and they're on every evening during the week so three cheers.

So nothing too hectic but a satisfying day, I hope.  Even the jab - I will be glad to get that done, for sure.

Right, well, the lunchtime soup should be ready to blend down and push through the sieve so I'd better do that and then get on with my other social media stuff.  Take care, have a very happy day and stay safe.  xx


  1. Sad to hear about David McCallum, he was still acting occasionally in NCIS right up until last year. I didn't have pictures of him (it was George Best and Davy Jones for me) but loved the Man From Uncle

    1. George Best didn't do anything for me but the Monkees did - especially Peter Tork - I loved a 'vulnerable' type! xx

  2. Shame to hear about David McCallum I too was a fan! I am hoping the BBC will slot in a few of those early shows. I was a fan of Dave Hill from Slade - he lived minutes from me in Solihull and a frequent diner in local hotel on Sunday evening which was my shift! I was in my element!!
    Suze x

    1. It would be wonderful to see a few old UNCLE shows again although I suspect they won't have stood the test of times all that well.

  3. Changing seasons is an odd time, but there's always something to look forward to. x x

    1. That is so very true, there always is. xx

  4. What a shame that David McCallum has died, he always reminded me of my Dad as some of his little mannerisms were identical, but I guess we are getting to that age where all our heroes and heartthrobs are dying aren't we. I loved him in NCIS and Alan will be upset as he watches that series on a loop, virtually all the time. The first poster on my wall was Kevin Keegan, I didn't like football just Kevin Keegan with his curly perm! Then I moved on briefly to the Bay City Rollers and then they got too popular and I switched to David Bowie.

    I like the garden suddenly bare at this time of year and having a good wash down before packing away the hosepipe is my grand finale. But for now the tomatoes are basking in today's sunshine so I'm putting it off.

    1. Yes, it's definitely the time for people we 'followed' and respected begin to die (or already have). It's not something to consider in any way when young and energetic and full of beans. xx

  5. I saw in the news that David McCallum had passed away too. The older we get the more this becomes reality. I'm at an age in my life where I can remember so many people I've lost over the years. It's just not the same when you're young.

    1. No, it's not but increasingly it happens now. I suppose one gets used to it and it's lovely when a 'famous person' has also lived a good life and done well in their chosen field. xx

  6. Those tomatoes could ripen slowly and allow you fresh toms for a couple of months. I was still eating my home grown ones in Feb. I chucked all the tiny ones as they don't taste so good if you keep them

    1. They could, this is true. I'll see how many I need for the chutney first though - I want some more of that anyway as it's a lovely recipe and the results are delicious, especially the longer you allow them to mature. xx

  7. Shame to hear about David McCallum. He did have a good long life.

  8. Isn't that sad news. I really enjoyed his acting and now I will no longer get to see him in cameo's on NCIS as Ducky.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, is is sad but he was a really good age. xx

  9. I need to get my Covid vaccine again, too. I found it helped to take a Motrin for the side effects. Hope yours aren't too painful.

    1. The jab itself was fine. I had a few side effects but it's all good now (Wednesday morning). Hope you are able to get yours done soon. xx
