Tuesday 19 September 2023

Tuesday, 19-09-23

Morning, everyone.  What a change in the weather!  We didn't get that much rain yesterday but, although the actually temperature isn't significantly lower, last night felt chilly and tonight I'm closing my bedroom window overnight (unless it changes again, of course).  Today's forecast is for 'gusty wind and heavy rain'.  Ho hum!

Sadly, the tomatoes have really slowed down now.  They loved that hot spell but I think the time has come to salvage the green ones to make chutney and get the pots cleared, cleaned and put away for the year.  The cucumber finished producing a week or so ago but the courgettes are still bravely soldering on - but looking extremely scruffy now.
That's life . . .

If I can get it all cleared before the start of October, I will be happy.  Probably not today though, judging by the forecast!

I did my kitchen pottering yesterday, making a nice big bowl of passata from the big tomatoes, getting the chicken stock sorted and making the baked beans - bit of a cheat using canned haricot beans but I don't mind!  I'm having some on toast for breakfast.

I noticed an error in my knitting so had to do a bit more of an unpick - a silly mistake down to not taking enough care.  It doesn't matter - I have the rest of the month to finish it.

Circuit training was really good.  This week, I went for it and put as much energy as I could into it and there was not one twinge from my back.  I was so pleased.  Now I can focus on getting the strength back - it's surprising how much one can lose with three weeks of enforced idleness.

Today it is Groove.  Again, last week, I took it very easy and carefully but I'm confident that I can go for it a lot more this morning.
Then I have washing to do and, as the forecast is not great, I'm getting out my inside rack.  It's not a pretty sight but needs must.  I think I will also be using the tumble dryer - at least it will keep the house warm.

Goodness, it really is gloomy this morning.  A lights on sort of day and I will be thankful for a good home and warm clothes, I think.  We've had it good recently but the rain is sorely needed so I can't grumble (even if I do!!)
Have a great day, everyone.  xx


  1. It's very windy here and quite grey. No salads today - we need warm food:-) x x

    1. You have a good point. It's not exactly cold here but there's precious little sun and a strong-ish wind to make it feel colder. I'm glad I have some cosy lap blankets for later on, I think. xx

  2. I've also been closing my bedroom window overnight. The temperature has dropped about 12 degrees C in the last week. Very damp and chilly and definitely moving into soup not salad weather now xxx

    1. It's not exactly cold as such but it does feel chilly and I'm drawing the curtains across good and early to shut out the encroaching darkness.
      I'm mixing my salads and soups at the moment but soups are slowly taking over! :-) xx

  3. It's rainy and drizzly today. So, other than checking on the greenhouse it will be an inside day for me. Still plenty to do though. I think my few tomatoes have come to an end and will be picked when I next get outdoors and the plants removed to the compost. Glad your back is so much better.
    B x

    1. Thank you.
      We're going to miss the summer tomatoes, aren't we? xx

  4. We too are eating hot food as weather is grim.
    Our garden will need a big autumn clear up as soon as we can get out there - I'm keen to put it to bed for winter as it all looks rather sad at the moment, but like you say, that's life
    Alison in Wales x

  5. It's gone so much colder here this past couple of days. I am about to get all my warmer clothes out from under the bed and have a wardrobe swap around. I'm sat here feeling proper chilly. I got a bit of tidying up in the garden yesterday but then the rains came in big style and I had to abandon ship.

    1. I'm doing bits and pieces when I can but there's plenty still to do - most of it, to be honest. xx

  6. Yes, I've begun composting my veggie plants, trying to stay ahead of all the work. The raspberry canes are all gone and I trimmed back most of the tomato plants to the last branch that had any decent sized tomatoes on it.

    1. I can't cut my raspberry canes back until the spring when the new growth shows (they are autumn fruiting) but the rest sounds very familiar. It doesn't take long, it is just a case of getting started. xx
