Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday evening, 26-06-24

 Good evening, everyone.

Today, I have been remembering my lovely dad who passed away on this day 2021 (and that's me about five or six years ago too - goodness, I have aged since then!).

I still miss them so much, my dear Mum and Dad.

Anyway, moving on, today has been dominated by sorting out upstairs and then getting up to date with my Governor's monitoring visit reports for SEND and Phonics.  I used to be so good at writing reports but I'm out of practice now so it took me ages.
Thankfully, Lindsey texted to say would I like to go to personal training early tomorrow morning when it will be much fresher.  It has been quite hot again today so I accepted with gratitude.
So I managed to get the reports done and sent off.  Phew.

Have a great night's sleep, everyone, despite the heat.  xx


  1. What a lovely photo of you and your Dad. Catriona

    1. Thanks, Catriona. He was a lovely chap. xx

  2. My Mom passed away before my Dad and when he left.... I turned to Harvey and said that now I was an orphan just like him. I still miss the phone calls. ((Hugs)).

    God bless.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. And the daily email exchanges too. And I bet things happen and you think 'must tell Mum/Dad about that . . . ah . . .'
      ((( hugs ))) xx

  3. What a lovely photo to keep the memories fresh. Hope you have a nice one of your mum, too.

    1. I do, thank you - mostly snapshots. I have a nice one of the five of us - Mum, Dad, John, Dave and me. My one regret is that it was taken before I started losing the weight but not to worry!
      Don't have many of all of us because of distances.

  4. Sending hugs. I can't believe it's been three years. It will be three years since I lost Mum next month. Sometimes it seems like yesterday and other days it feels like it's been so many years.

    1. Yes, exactly that! I remember we both had our losses close to each other. Much love to you. xx

  5. A sad and happy day - lovely memories.

    1. Yes, it really was. Aren't I lucky to have such memories? xx

  6. That's a lovely photograph, Joy. You must miss him so much. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. Yes, I miss them both very much. xx

  7. A lovely photo, your dad looks like a very kindly gentleman. I lost my dad this year, I often forget myself and think of him when I see something he would like.

    1. It's so easy to do, isn't it. Bitter sweet but it is a happy thing too. I'm very sorry for your loss, Carole. xx

  8. That's a lovely photo of you both. I was only twelve when I lost my dad. He was 42 and died suddenly of a heart attack. It's only as I got older that I realised how very young that was.

    1. That must have been a terrible shock to you all. 42 is no age at all. Much love. xx

  9. I've always loved that photograph, you both look lovely, and so happy. It was the anniversary of Alan's dad's death yesterday too, 25 years in his case. No matter the length of time it always hits hard doesn't it. xx

    1. I think it would be terrible to not remember . . . providing the memories are sweet, of course. I'm glad I can remember, despite the sadness and, yes, the length of time is irrelevant. xx

  10. These anniversaries are so poignant. Thank goodness for good memories of shared experiences and lovely photos.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Absolutely, Alison, thank goodness indeed. xx
