Saturday 18 May 2024

Saturday evening, 18-05-24

Evening, all.  How's your day gone today?  It's been really nice and sunny here, despite a damp start.  

I dithered about doing the online SET class but, in the end, I did and was really glad that I did.
Lindsey was doing another pop up shop so I drove over there and had a good nosey round but there wasn't anything I wanted to buy this time.  I gather it has raised around £1,000.
I did some housework, a bit of gardening, some cooking . . . the usual sort of thing.

And I watched Doctor Who - I am really enjoying the new season.  It's different but, I think, good different.
And Sewing Bee starts next week - could life hold more . . .  😊

Have a great evening, everyone, and sleep well.  xx

Friday 17 May 2024

Friday evening, 17-05-24

Good evening, one and all.  
Today we seem to be back with the pleasant, warm, sunny weather.  It's been lovely all day, the perfect day for a drive out to a country pub and a really nice lunch.

So - the day started with Slimming World as it always does on Friday.  Jen is away on holiday so Jenny, who took the group yesterday evening, brought the hall keys round to me yesterday evening and I gave them to Cara who took today's group this morning.  I now have them again to give back to Jen when she comes home from holiday.
Cara was lovely - it can't be easy covering someone else's group but she was really good.

Then I came home and did a few chores before my friend picked me up for lunch.  We went to a little pub restaurant the other side of Danbury called the Hurdlemakers' Arms;  I've never heard of the place before but it was absolutely delightful and lovely grub.  I brought some of it home and finished it off for dinner so it was a very easy day, food-wise.
Definitely, I must go there again and take some photos.

And that was that really - it was past four when my friend dropped me off and I just sat and read, knitted and watched telly.  A nice day out of the usual stuff.

I really MUST do some gardening tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it isn't wet.

Has your day been good too?
Night, everyone.  Sweet dreams.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Thursday evening, 16-05-24

Evening, all.  It's been another day of drizzle and a few spells of sunshine today and definitely on the cool side of things.
Despite that, I popped out to take a few photos of my plants which seem to be relishing the longer days and slightly warmer temperatures.  So here we go . . .

There's more out so I had to take another photo . . .
The strawberries were so poor last year, I intended digging them out and replacing them.  I am glad I didn't; they are laden this year.
Look at those.

Most of my back garden plants in the raised beds were thoroughly disturbed when the bed walls were repaired.  I reckon it has done them good.
The fig loses its leaves each Autumn but back they come again.
The bay bush was dead two years ago.  Obviously it had other ideas though.
Last year, I had four or five flowers.  This year there are fourteen - they got disturbed by the repairs too.
Thyme flowers are so pretty, aren't they.

And finally, every garden has its messy corner, I am sure.  Here's mine and I rather like it - it makes it look like a real garden!!

I did SET online first thing and then, after breakfast, I decided to go shopping - a house keeping sort of shopping, nothing exciting.  I was planning on going to Sainsbury's on Saturday but it's quite a full day and tomorrow is out too so, really, today was the only option unless I wanted to go Sunday.
It was one of those bigger shops when you seem to need other stuff apart from food - washing products, cleaning stuff, etc.  Not your every week sort of stuff although I had some of that too.  The bill was ouch but next week should be a lot less.  Swings and roundabouts!

I did splash out on something - these.  I have trainers and I have some open toed sandals but wanted something sunny-casual.  These are nice and should go well with everything really.  And only a tenner.

Then it was home sweet home to put everything away and get on with a bit of housework and cupboard sorting.  There's always at least one cupboard that seems to get itself in a right tangle while you're not looking, isn't there?

Oh, and while I was shopping, Chris and Steve arrived back after their cruise so I exchanged a few messages with her - she had a great time, she said, and I am looking forward to hearing all about it on Tuesday as we walk down to Groove.

Well, it is getting late (for me) so I will love you, leave you and wish you a good night's sleep with sweet dreams.  xx

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Wednesday evening, 15-5-24

Hi, everyone, good evening.  The day started out dull and damp and finished off warm and sunny and very cheering indeed.  Lovely!

It was another busy-ish day.
I sorted out most of upstairs and looked ruefully into the dumpi  - er, I mean smallest bedroom.  I need to tackle it very soon, it's an absolute disgrace.  I must Make a Plan!

Then I went online.  I've been intending to get the main carpet properly cleaned.  It's really grubby in places.  All of the bottom floor except the kitchen and the loo has this carpet which also goes up the stairs and along the (small) landing and, honestly, it's a proper disgrace.
So I went online, did some trawling around, discussed needs and possibilities with a few places and have a company booked to come and do the deed next Monday which is a great relief.  I know it will never look brand new again and there's no way I can justify replacing, nor is it necessary, it so a good old clean should work wonders.  At least I will know it is clean . . . whatever it looks like.

I also discussed some dates for school visits online.

I had an early (for me) lunch because personal training was earlier than usual.  As always - most enjoyable, hard work, and now I'm feeling healthily tired.
It was earlier because at the usual time I was due online for some training.  Quite heavy stuff based around the Governing Body's responsibilities in suspensions and permanent exclusions.    By the time that was done, it was time to make dinner and now I'm typing this!

I feel it has been a day where I achieved a lot one way and another.  I also know I'm going to sleep well and it won't be that long before I disappear upstairs - a couple of hours should do it.
Has your day been a satisfying one?
Goodnight, everyone, and sleep well.  xx

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Tuesday evening, 14-05-24

Evening, everyone!

I woke up this morning to a pretty wet world, as I guess many of us here in the UK did.  I'm glad I didn't change the duvet over as it feels a lot fresher this morning - not fresh enough to wonder about an hour of heating on, just in comparison.  Good for the garden, for sure.

It was Groove this morning but I didn't fancy getting damp so I took the car for once.   I'm so glad I did because it really wasn't very nice.  Groove was though; it is great to feel warm straight away instead of doing the first half with extra layers on.  Despite today's rain, it is definitely warming up.

The rest of the day passed as days usually do.  I made some social arrangements with friends, did some housework, some kitchen work, looked at my lengthening shopping list with mild disbelief, checked the bank account (more there than I thought which is odd but time will tell) and the rain kept falling.  To be fair, it cleared up briefly and there was even a hint of sunshine but it was a case of blink and you miss it.

And this evening is more of the same.  Can't complain, I love an easy life.  
Have you had the rain too?
Night, everyone, sleep well and may tomorrow be a lovely day for you.  xx

Monday 13 May 2024

Monday evening, 13-05-24

Evening, everyone.
No pretty lights overnight - I did look when I woke for the loo but no luck,  Not to worry.

It's been a nice day, weather wise, although as the day went on, the sunshine became more hazy.   It's still sort of sunny but the sky is not blue, it's a bit murky.
Lindsey did circuits out in her garden and it was really lovely; we're hoping we can have many more before the year starts to close down again.  I was very careful and the back did protest a bit once or twice but Lindsey does encourage us to adapt when needed or ask her for advice, so things never get too intense.  It feels fine now so obviously no more damage done.

Once home, it was breakfast and then housework.  I decided to make the last of the fine weather to do my bedding as well so I can feel the housework fairy patting me on the back!  😇

Then, for me, a biggie.
Sharon (my lovely hairdresser) has been out of circulation for a while.  Her husband has been very unwell and passed away a couple of weeks ago.  While it wasn't a complete surprise, that's hardly the point so she's taken time out.
The problem is that my hair was four plus weeks plus over the usual six weeks before appointments so I asked friend Chris about her hairdresser who works from home and, long story short, she (Hayley) gave me an appointment as a one off.

So, very nervously, I set off to Hayley's home and, about an hour and quarter later, returned home feeling very happy.  Quite apart from the removal of ten weeks' growth - a lot when one has short hair anyway - but she did a really good job and, if Sharon decides not to return to work for a while), I have a safety net, so to speak.
And, just for once, I didn't have to clear up my hair trimmings afterwards.  Bonus!

I took a few flower photos . . . which one should I use as a header banner???

Now it is time to slow down and get ready for bed.  Nice fresh sheets and clean pjs.  What more could a girl ask for?
Sleep well, everyone, and have a great day tomorrow.  xx

Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday evening, 12-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Phew, wasn't it a scorcher today.  So warm that when I jung out a load of washing, it was dry and ready to come back in half an hour later.  So I managed to get all my washing done, dried, ironed and ready to put away when I go up later in.  That used much of the day but I'm really glad to get it done.
I didn't do much else apart from the usual daily stuff but I'm feeling tired now, all the same.
It was just a normal Sunday, albeit pretty warm.  Normal is good, it really is.

Have you had a good Sunday too?  xx

Saturday 11 May 2024

Saturday evening, 11-05-24

Good evening, everyone.
I had a rotten night's sleep last night.  I woke before midnight and couldn't get back to sleep.  Outside was the show of the decade and I had no idea . . . I turned the lights on and read for ages.  Aaaarrrggghhh.
We might get some more Northern Lights overnight, they say - fingers crossed.

I did finally get to sleep but today has been a bit of a dozy day.  I did a bit of housework, some cooking, some reading, I watched the new Doctor Who.  Just a quiet Saturday really.  

It was lovely and warm and sunny though.  A perfect day from the weather point of view.   It's due to change soon but fingers are crossed for tomorrow at least.

I'm not watching Eurovision, it's really not my thing.  I will find something else to enjoy instead and try to stay awake until it gets dark.
Fingers crossed.

Did you catch the show and did you get any good photos?  xx

Friday 10 May 2024

Friday evening, 10-05-24

 Good evening, everyone.  It's been another really lovely day, more summer than spring really.  I've even started watering some of the pots.

It was nice to be back at SW group this morning after missing last week.  Then I came home, had breakfast and gave my bedroom another good going over.  After lunch, I just chilled in the garden room - and fell asleep!  Those chairs are obviously a good choice.

As the day went on, the back became more and more comfortable so I'm glad I took it carefully.  I just have to decide whether to do the SET class online tomorrow morning but I will decide that when the time comes!

After yesterday's garden photos, one more.  The herbs are doing great!
The grass-like one in the middle is - well - ornamental grass.  And the variegated leafy one at the back right is just a bush.  I don't have loads of herbs, just rosemary, oregano, chives, sage, thyme, mint and, not on the photos, bay.  All very useful though.

You've probably seen this many times but it made me laugh so very much this afternoon, I thought I would share it. 

Given that every primary teacher is a science teacher by default - I totally agree.  

Right, well, time to shut up shop and get this sent, I think  Have you had good weather too?  
Sleep well, everyone, and pleasant dreams.  xx

Thursday 9 May 2024

Thursday evening, 09-05-24

Evening, all.  It's been another beautifully sunny day - I'm really hoping this continues.

I had some time before SET began so I decided to change my sheets and turn the mattress.
Big mistake.
Ping said my back and ouch said me!!  No SET class and a lot of hobbling later, it is easing somewhat now and I'm not taking any pain killers, which is good.

I managed to get most of upstairs cleaned, certainty all the bits that show, but SET and gardening went by the board, sadly.  
Not to worry, I'm sure it will continue to ease off and be loads better tomorrow morning.

Before that happened, I went out into the garden and took a few photos because things are starting to look colourful and flowery.  Hope you like them.
And sweet dreams, one and all.  xx

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Wednesday evening, 08-05-24

Good evening, everyone! 

In yesterday's comments, Janette asked why a garden room.  It's not the sort of thing they have in Australia.  Poor love, I bombarded her with pretty much an essay and then thought it more appropriate to a blog than a comment reply to I have copied and pasted it at the end.

Several of you mentioned that you thought coloured cushions might look nice and I agree but pattern might be an issue.

This is the pattern on the furniture and I think another flowery something might look mismatched in the wrong way - unless I find something that looks very similar but in colour and even then, not sure.  If I had gone for the grey striped covers, chintzy flowery cushions would look nice but the other way round?  Not so sure.

I am planning to make some bunting to go across the window.  The bifolds open outward so that wouldn't be an issue.  Perhaps that would give a pop of colour and maybe be echoed by a few pictures or a vase.  Or make cushion covers (it's not hard, after all) that echo the bunting colours.
Oh, I don't know.

What I do know is that it won't be this month anyway, probably not even this summer.  I've waited years for this so another wait to really know what I want and get it won't hurt.
And I can have lots of fun trawling the shops and online, like I did for the furniture.

Today has been a gentle sort of day.  I chilled for much of the morning, breakfasting in the garden room.  I should have done upstairs housework really but I have more time than usual tomorrow so I'll do it then.
I popped over to Beth and Alex's to wish Alex a Happy Birthday and give him his card and gift.
And then it was personal training with Lindsey which was most enjoyable.

So, really, a pretty normal day apart from the birthday.

I'm now chilling and gradually relaxing into a sleepy state.  Lovely.
How was your day?  xx

Here's what I said in my reply:
I already have a ground floor extension across the back of the house and I did consider a conservatory but . . .
It would cut down light to the living/dining area quite significantly.
There's raised brick beds in the garden which would need to be dismantled and I didn't want to lose one of them.
I'd still need to replace the garden shed anyway because it was getting very bedraggled (the garden room is actually two rooms, the main part and a shed part for garden tools, freezer, etc).
I rather fancied a little relaxation area away from the house, quite separate from it - it is so nice to have a separate bolthole that is different
The way the room flows means that when I am sitting with friend for coffee, we have our backs to the garden (changing that round would look weird) and it is really nice to sit out and enjoy the garden while chatting and enjoying a coffee or two, whatever the weather.
If I fancy using it as, say, an exercise room, the chairs can push to the walls and I can move out my cycle, balance ball, weights, etc - it can be multi functional.
Finally, while there's no plumbing out to the shed, there is power and there is heating and, if push came to shove and it was really necessary, someone could sleep on a camp bed there - they'd have to come in to use the loo but there's paving and the loo isn't so far away

So there are several reasons and, as I said, I did consider a conservatory for a while but, over the years, changed my mind. It helped that on the programme 'My Flat Pack Home' someone did a garden room and it really appealed.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Tuesday evening, 07-05-24

Hello, everyone.  How has your day been.  I woke here to sunshine and it has been another lovely, much appreciated after yesterday.  It has also felt quite bust, especially the morning.

It started, as usual on Tuesday, with Groove class.  It felt a but odd walking down without Chris who is currently away on holiday but it was a really pleasant walk in the sunshine.  Groove itself was great, as always, and the walk back was also pleasant.

When I got home, I set to sorting out the garden room.  It is now clean and the other stuff has been taken out.
I know you've seen this, more or less, but I took another photo once it was all done and dusted (literally!).

It's so nice now it's all complete.  I sat out there to have my breakfast, feeling very happy.

Then I did the downstairs housework - it didn't get done yesterday and it didn't get done much last week either so it took a bit longer than usual but that was OK.  What with that, the exercise class and the walk, I'm up to 11K steps so I'm happy with that.

What I'm not so happy about - well, not exactly unhappy, just that I will have to be careful, is finances.  What with shelling out for three booked coach trips, a new block of personal training sessions, the holiday in October and Alex's birthday present (for tomorrow) - oh, and the deposit for next year's Fitness and Fun weekend at Five Lakes - what I have left is looking a bit depleted.
However, after listing all that above, it's not surprising, is it, and I don't think I will need to take anything from savings, just be very, very, very careful - and I can do that.  What I am fairly sure is that I won't have any leftovers to move into savings on the 31st.   ðŸ˜„
(that little circular rug will just have to wait!!)

It has been a very pleasant day though, really nice.  Tomorrow, the weather looks promising - the rest of the week, in fact - so that's good.

Have a good night, everyone.  Sleep well and sweet dreams.  xx

Monday 6 May 2024

Monday evening, 06-05-24

Hi, everyone.  Hopefully back into a routine now, fingers crossed.

After an early night Saturday, I woke rather early but that was OK because I needed to wash my hair as well as getting a roast dinner prepped before popping off to Circuits.

Circuits was great.  Most of us were there and one lady had brought her three boys as well (they've come before) so it was good fun.  I took over the bags with my donations for the pop up shop in a couple of weeks - I was glad to get them off my hands.

Once home and after breakfast, I got the dinner started and when Beth and Alex arrived, it was well on the way.  Doesn't the house smell good when a roast is in the oven!!

Beth and Alex helped me dismantle my old and very battered computer chair which is now in the bin and then we went online and on-phone and we now have a Center Parcs holiday booked for October.  Just a Monday to Friday - adding on the weekend made it horrendously expensive.  As is our wont, we paid the lot and I've sent my share over to Beth so that is all done and dusted.

I wasn't expecting the garden room furniture to come until later but while B and A were still here, there was a knock at the door and there it was, accompanied by two very obliging men who unpacked it all and took away all the packaging.
I had been so concerned that either it wasn't what I thought it would be - buying online can be a bit - er - unsure - or that I just didn't like it in reality but no, it was just exactly what I had hoped.

And here it all is, in situ.  The chair on the left is a rocker and the thing in the corner on the right is a foot stool but it will double as an extra seat, if needed.  And they are so comfortable.
I'm so pleased.

I rather think a circular mat might look nice, don't you?  And I 'need' some plain grey cushions . . .

Anyway, I have to move out the wooden chairs and little table and the floor is a state after this afternoon's activity so that's a chore for tomorrow.
So quite a good day, despite the rain and the fact that it felt like Sunday all day!

How did your Bank Holiday Monday go (if you had one, of course)?  xx

Sunday 5 May 2024

Sunday evening, 05-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Trying to get back into a routine again.

Today was what I would call semi-chilled.  It's been lovely and sunny and quite warm too but it's now feeling a bit chilly and the faithful oodie is back on again!

I popped to Morrisons as I've invited Beth and Alex over tomorrow and needed to get a few things and I forgot to mention that the day before I paid for two of my pending coach trips.  I think I also didn't mention (or did I?) that I have booked to go and see Oliver next January.  Nice.

Because it was so lovely and I had a rapidly filling washing basket, I did a couple of loads that dried really quickly on the line and is not ironed and ready to take up and put away.  That's sorted that for a few days.
So the evening is nice and free and I'll probably have an early night.

Tomorrow is exciting.
It starts with Lindsey's circuit class.
Beth and Alex are over for lunch.
And late afternoon/early evening, my conservatory furniture is being delivered.   That, I think, completes the garden room unless I want to make some bunting or other decorative stuff.

Sleep well, everyone, and have a lovely Bank Holiday Monday.  Fingers crossed for sunshine.  xx

Sunday morning, 05-05-24

Morning, everyone.  So sorry about missing blogs and this should definitely have been posted last night but . . .

Wasn't the weather lovely yesterday.  Beautifully sunny and definitely warmer, even out of the sun.  The big event yesterday was the reason I didn't post this yesterday.

Beth, her friend, Carlin, Alex and I had dinner at the Giggling Squid.  It's been a long time a-coming.  Carlin promised to take us out for a meal a year ago as a sort of 'thank you' for helping get a hall ready for his Mum's funeral wake while Beth said she wanted to take me and Alex out for a birthday meal.  The year passed and now and again it was mentioned but Beth and Carlin in particular are very busy people nowadays.
Anyway, last night was the night.  I've heard a lot about the place from Beth who really loves going there so I was really looking forward to it and I was not disappointed, not at all.   We had a really lovely time - great food and good company.  And, for me, no bill.  What more could a girl want, eh.

We had some prawn crackers to start with followed by spring rolls and a sweet chilli dipping sauce.  My mains was sticky chicken and coconut rice and it was so, so delicious.  And, bad me, I had the loveliest lychee martini too - I love lychee liqueur.

I was so tired when I got home that I decided to leave this until this morning.

The sun is shining again and I so hope it remains this way tomorrow too, seeing as it is Bank Holiday Monday.  
Have a lovely Sunday, everyone, and enjoy the gorgeous weather.  xx

Friday 3 May 2024

Thursday evening, 03-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Well, it has been a very idle and restful day.  I've done a bit of work in the kitchen but mostly it has been about resting and, from time to time, snoozing (not that often).
I got a few organisational bits and bobs sorted out and invited Beth and Alex over for Monday lunch as it's a bank holiday.
It's been a good day for staying in as it has rained pretty much the whole time.  Not nice.

There isn't much else to say really.  I'm feeling surprisingly weary, given the lack of exercise during the day, and I expect I'm going to sleep well.  Hope so anyway!

Has your day been good?  I do hope so.  Sleep well.  xx

Thursday 2 May 2024

Thursday, 02-05-24

   Hi, all.  Sorry, the busy week has caught up with me and I'm shattered.  Bed time calls.  I'm sure I will sleep really well and I hope you do too.  xx

Wednesday evening, 01-05-24

 . . . well, Thursday morning, actually!  Sorry.  I was so very tired after the evening meeting.

Yesterday turned out to be quite a full day.  I decided to get my first May shop done and dusted as I was totally out of cheese and I thought I may as well do the full shop as just get one item!  As always, it was mostly fresh stuff with a few bits and bobs for the freezer.

When that was all sorted and put away, I started making dinner as I'd decided to swap meals round, given I had to be at a meeting at six.

Later on, I started reading through the paperwork for the meeting.  I was just going through the previous minutes when I read something to the effect that the Clerk had reminded us that we had agreed to do one training course/thingy per term and - guess what - I hadn't.

So I logged into the Governor Hub, went to the online training section and chose one that said two hours and which I thought I could get done reasonably within that time.
It was good although I did know much of it already so part of it was just ticking boxes but at least I did my bit.  And at the meeting we were told about a couple of online courses coming up that I think I would like to do too, so that's me sorted.  Cheers.
(And no, not everyone had done some training so I needn't have worried really but I'm glad it's done).

Then I whizzed off to personal training, the first of the new block so Lindsey had introduced a few new things - and I am aching a bit this morning!!

And then the meeting.  It was good and the Clerk is really adept at keeping us all on track and to time so they always finish by eight o'clock or soon after.  We're a jolly bunch so, despite serious things to discuss, we manage to have a laugh and a joke too.  I enjoy going.
Note to self - after sending this, go to Governor Hub and get those two training sessions booked in!

Now it is Thursday, the old Premium Bonds have given me a bit of cash, not loads and it's always reinvested but every little helps, doesn't it and I have another busy day.  I'll tell you about that this evening.

In the meanwhile, I hope you've had a good night's sleep and some pleasant dreams.  Take care and stay safe.  xx