Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday evening, 07-04-24

Evening, everyone.  At last we've had a lovely, sunny day.  I still felt pretty cold in the morning but everything warmed up in time.

I tied up my finances for May and sort of 'opened the book' on June.  Sadly, I went a bit over-spend for May - although that wouldn't show in my account because of getting June's income through May.  I moved a bit out of savings to cover it so it's all straight again now and, fair enough, I paid for things in advance.

I took a look through my diary to see what's coming up in June and July.  There's a number of coach trips - Swan Lake at the RAH, Wroxham and the Norfolk Broads, Canterbury, Highclere Castle and Buckingham Palace plus several planned walks, lunches with friends and, of course, strawberry picking.

I had a lovely chat on Facebook with an old friend who is coming to stay for a few days in a fortnight.  I'm really looking forward to that.

So plenty of things to look forward to.  Lovely!

Have you had a good day today too?  Sleep well and enjoy tomorrow.  xx


  1. We've had a perfect weather day - blue skies, warm and sunny but not blisteringly hot.
    Sounds like your month of June will be great , lots to look forward to.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It was a lovely Sunday, wasn't it, and it's brightening up a bit more today too. Nice. Have a good day. xxxx

  2. Lovely day here too. I finally got the sewing machine out and made some aprons from teatowels. Catriona

    1. That sounds great, what a good idea. xx

  3. We got a bit of rain earlier today, but the sun came out and all is dry and just lovely. Got the loom together today and tomorrow I will hopefully get it warped. I am itching to try my hand at weaving.

    God bless.

    1. Exciting . . . so looking forward to hearing how it all goes. xx

  4. Replies
    1. Hopefully you will have some chill time too amidst the busy-ness. xx

  5. A very busy couple of months for you. Have fun :-)
