Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday evening, 19-06-24

Hi, everyone, good evening to you.

It's been a lovely day round here.  The weather has been amazing -  warm and sunny with a refreshing breeze.

Diane arrived here just after nine so we went straight into town and started the morning off with a coffee before wandering around various shops, chatting and laughing.  I got a few necessities in Boots including some eye drops to soothe my itchy eyes which worked like a miracle.   

I also got myself some summer trainers in Next.  I tried to copy a photo from their site but it didn't work.  They're not really trainers, more a sort of casual summer leisure show.  The outside is a sort of while lace effect and it has lace holes but no laces as there's elastic across underneath.  I'll try to remember to take a photo so you can see.  I think they're really nice.

Once home again, Diane stayed for a coffee and then she went and I hopped off to personal training which was, as always, good.

It has felt quite busy this evening too.  I did some washing for Beth earlier on and got that off the line and sorted and then I got my jolly bag ready for tomorrow because . . .

. . . I'm off on another trip.  This one is to Wroxham and then a two hour 'cruise' on the Broads.  The forecast is for lovely weather so fingers crossed.  It should be lovely.  There may not be a blog tomorrow evening but there will certainly be one Friday evening.

Well, I am tired and I do need to be up early tomorrow so I will love you and leave you.  Night - night, everyone.  Sleep well.  xx


  1. Oh we did love visiting the Broads when we lived in the Midlands. Have a lovely time tomorrow Joy, I hope the weather continues to be fine xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. It looks as if it will be lovely and I have my sun block in my bag, plus my floppy sunhat! xx

  2. Enjoy the trip, and I am hoping for lots of lovely photos.

    God bless.

    1. Camera packed plus spare batteries. Hopefully, I will get some nice photos. xx

  3. We've never been to the Broads but it's on our to do list. Thankfully the weather forecast is looking promising for the next few days

    1. It's a lovely part of the world - well worth visiting. xx

  4. 'Lovely boating weather' - I hope it will be.

    1. It was, Janice. It was a beautiful day. xx

  5. Hope you have a lovely trip. Which were the eye drops you chose? There are so many and sounds like you found some good ones.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's called Hycosan Dual and I got it in Boots. I put a drop in each of my itchy eyes this morning and the relief was instant and has lasted - although you can use it as many times as needed. Itchy eyes are horrible so I'm delighted to have something that works so well.
      It's not just for hayfever, it's for dry eyes too. xx

    2. Thanks Joy x
      Alison x
