Monday 24 June 2024

Monday evening, 24-06-24

Hello again, everyone.  It's been a scorcher here today.  No complaints - it was nice not to feel chilly - but I might dig out the fan and set it up in my bedroom tonight.

I took another photo across the garden fairly early in the morning sunshine.  Here you go . . . it's definitely all looking summery now.

And here's a promise of plenty of tomatoes by August.  I just love tomatoes anyway and garden picked ones are simply the very best.

Well, the day started off with Circuits.  Some of the stations were outside and some inside - I did prefer it inside to be honest, in the cool shade but it was all good.  There were six of us today which was jolly.

Actually, no - the day started off with an exchange of messages with my friend who was going to come and stay for a few days.  We have had to reschedule but no worries, it will happen at some point.

Once home from Circuits, it was the usual routine - breakfast and then housework.  Downstairs today, upstairs tomorrow.  Then it got warmer so I was glad to take it easy and read/knit.  

I had two parcels.  One was the Slimming World Kitchen meal box (and they are really very good indeed) and the other was some printer ink.  I used to get through loads of ink when I was always printing out resources for tuition sessions but not now so, when the black print started to get patchy, I found I didn't have any replacements so ordered some.  What I have now will last me for ages so that's good.

I'm now relaxing after dinner and cleaning the kitchen.  I'll pop out shortly and water the garden and then it is wind-down time.  
I hope the warmth doesn't create any sleep difficulties for any of us.  Take are, sleep well and stay cool.  xx


  1. Your garden's looking lovely Joy, must give you so much pleasure. It's muggy here, especially in a tin box! Will be glad to get home tomorrow, where it'll be cooler. Sooze xx

    1. I guess it must be. Perhaps the humidity will life a bit and give you some relief. Wishing you a safe journey home, Sooze. xx

  2. I like the idea of a wind down time at the end of the day. Do you find it helps you sleep better?

    1. Yes, Chris, I really do, it has helped enormously. In a way, having to change to evening blogs has done me a favour in more than the expected way which was giving me the time I needed for a more manageable start to the day. After I have sent my two posts, wind down has started and I rarely manage to read in bed for more than about ten minutes before my eyes close. xx

  3. I love a wind down time. Mine is usually reading a bit from a novel, tucked up under the covers.

    God bless.

    1. I love that - me too. Not that I get very far into the book but it's lovely. xx

  4. Morning light - and air - is lovely before the heat ramps up.

  5. It's looking Summery and very beautiful, I love the early mornings on these few hot days we've been having ... they are the only time me and the Pug can cope with the heat. Alan, and Mavis the JR, bask in the heat of the midday sun like a pair of lunatics.

    1. The early mornings are lovely, I agree. Fresh and sunny. I'm not so bad with the heat at the moment but I have got ,my fans out, one downstairs and one in my bedroom.
      Mad dogs and Englishmen, eh? xx

    2. Or Scotsmen in Alan's case. :-)

  6. We don't have the extreme heat here thank goodness, but we are getting the fan out of storage in case......
    Lovely photos x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you. It has been pretty hot this afternoon but I managed to do the ironing so it couldn't have been all that bad really!
      The fans are out though. :-)

  7. I quite enjoy watering the garden in the cooler evening air. Although, I expect it will be raining again before long. Xx
