Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday evening, 13-06-24

Good evening, everyone.

Well, where do I start?  Back to Wednesday, I think.  My friend, Jeff, turned up at around eight and half an hour later the overhanging tree from next door had been lopped back (it was touching the shed roof) and my brown bin was chock-a-block full.
I gave Jeff an item of garden equipment last year and, in exchange, he has given me a few sessions of working in my garden and this was the second of the two.
It's made a huge difference to the light down at the bottom of the garden.

A bit later, I dug out that bag I bought for one day jollies and used the list you lovely people so helpfully contributed to.  I'm keeping the list I made in the bag because some things had to come out.  Things like pain killers, wipes, tissues, etc, even an umbrella as I have several (blame Mum and Dad) can stay in the bag but other items like my sunglasses, purse, etc, will be needed from day to day.
And I'll say here - I am so glad I bought it - it was great!

I had an online exchange with Lindsey.  We had rescheduled personal training because of me going out but she had forgotten a prior appointment.  I can't make Saturday morning so we agreed to leave personal training for this week.

My internet connection was still playing up so I went back on line, they sent me an email with instructions, I followed the instructions with crossed fingers and, lo and behold, it's all hunky dory again now.  I was most relieved.  Well done, Virgin.  I know they don't always get it right but my experiences have been pretty good and I like to be quick to praise.

And then, out to the pick up point for the coach.  I was very early but I would rather be early than late.  The coach arrived on time, we all piled on and I had a seat next to a very pleasant lady.  She wasn't very chatty which was fine by me because nor am I really, blog to the contrary, so after exchanging a few words of introduction, we got out phones/kindles/etc.
It is very nice coaching through London (I'd hate to drive) in the rush hour but it was very, very busy and I was so glad I had a sort of picnic meal rather than having to find somewhere to eat - which would probably have been one of the eating places inside the RAH.

Not the best photo, sorry.

It was pleasantly mild and I turned all student-y and sat on the Albert Memorial steps to have my 'dinner'.  It was lovely - there was a great vibe and everyone looked and sounded happy.  On the grass there was a group of what looked like 'posh' young men playing croquet and behind me there was a line of young teens, all wearing similar tracksuit tops and with very smart hair - the girls had their hair up, ballet style so I wondered and I was right, the school name on their tracksuit tops was in the programme for small non-dancing parts.
They were an absolute credit to their school - sitting, chatting, laughing and 100% well behaved.
(you can tell I was a teacher!)

I had to take this photo, didn't I?
Inside is such an impressive space
I'm always impressed by the ceiling.  Those upside down umbrella sort of shapes are all about sound quality but they look rather good too.
It's hard to see clearly but this is the view I had of the performing area.  It was a ballet in the round - in the oval really - and we had a brilliant view.  Not too close, high up enough to get the complete picture but close enough to see facial expressions and movement detail.  It was brilliant.

I couldn't take any photos of the actual ballet, of course, but it was brilliant with the well known choreography adapted to take account of giving an immersive experience and the fact that the dancers had a lot further to travel on stage.  Sixty swans there were - it was breathtaking at times.  Minimal scenery, great use of a smoke machine for the two lakeside scenes, really atmospheric and, of course, that music.  Just wonderful.
I had the best time ever.

I got home around half past midnight and woke at around six so today has been bleary eyed.

As always on Thursday, I had a good old natter with Chris over coffee and the rest of the day has been pretty much spent keeping warm (it's cold again and I turned the heating on) and snoozing intermittently.

One economical thing I did was make the decision not to renew my National Trust membership.  I am very sorry about that but there just aren't enough HT places round here to make it worth the money and £69 is a lot to spend and not use properly, isn't it.  I nearly cancelled last year and then decided to see how the year went and I don't think I have used it once.  A shame but there you go!

So that's the last two days and they've been really good.  I have pretty much a free weekend now that my friend is coming in a fortnight instead so I can get the house back in order again and then chill.  Nice.

Enjoy your evening, everyone, and have a great day tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic day out! Sometimes it's really good to take something to eat along with you. I hate trudging around trying to find somewhere reasonable to eat. Sounds like you had a good time people watching too!

    1. Thanks, Sharon - it was really good, all of it, and that included people watching (in a nice way). xx

  2. It's good that you were able to sit outside to eat. It's very hit and miss with the weather at present.

  3. I have twice rang a school to report on students. Once was some from a group of twits on a train bullying passengers. They had their school blazers on,easily identifiable, their private school were not interested. The second time was a charming group of junior school children. They asked questions and were so polite. I rang their headmaster who was thrilled to hear good reports. He said he had had an awful week so my call was much appreciated.

    1. Good for you, Carole. Positive feedback is always a delight to school staff. No comment on those private school students . . . xx

  4. Sounds a fantastic time,. Mike and I used to go to the Albert Hall when we lived in Billericay, as the train was only 25mins, so we saw lots of shows, but it was in Birmingham where we saw Swan Lake, so beautiful!

    1. It was just wonderful, Chris, I absolutely loved it. xx

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed your trip to the Royal Albert Hall to see Swan Lake. It must have been wonderful to watch. And who couldn't resist taking a photo of such an iconic venue? Shame about the National Trust but if you don't really use it , then better to cancel. Hubby has a life membership for two which he had in his early twenties, which has more than paid for itself however much we do or don't use it now.

    1. I kind of wish I had done a lifetime thing when younger. It would have paid for itself by now but it really isn't worth it now. I'm sorry but I don't regret cancelling, if you know what I mean. xx
