Saturday 22 June 2024

Saturday evening, 22-06-24

 Evening, everyone.
It's been a funny old weather day today - rain, sunshine, and when I opened my curtains this morning, the most beautiful rainbow I have seen in the longest while.  By the time I rushed downstairs and grabbed my camera, it had gone and the rain was starting.  Can't have a rainbow without some rain as well as the sunshine - a fact of life as well as of weather.

Anyway, not the best-weather day this week but it's supposed to be lovely again tomorrow.

Just one photo from the garden today - I think baby cucumbers are just so very cute and there are so many on my two plants.  They all seem pretty healthy too which is nice, although I expect some will drop.

The mixed leaves I sowed are growing nicely too.  I need to pinch some out now but, maybe, in three weeks or so, I will have garden leaves and garden cucumber in my salads.  The tomatoes will probably take rather longer.

I had a very lazy day today after a busy week.  I'm just a bit worried about the toothache which comes and goes; I just hope it doesn't turn into an infection.  At the moment it is OK but it's had a few rebellious spells today.  Thank goodness for meds . . .

I caught up with the finale of Doctor Who - people are saying it was a bit of an anti-climax but I really enjoyed it.  Proper Doctor Who with just a bit of mystery going forward into either the Christmas Special or the next series.

What I haven't done yet is caught up with Sewing Bee - must do that tomorrow!

If you spotted the Tardis, well done.  If not - bottom left hand corner (ish).

Good night, everyone, and sleep really well.  Sweet dreams.  xx


  1. Your cucumber is well ahead of mine but I do have tomatoes plumping up. Not sure how much longer until I can pick them, though!

    1. My garden is quite sheltered, maybe that is why. Your tomatoes are ahed of mine, I think. I have lots of babies but they are very tiny and will take a while to grow. It's such fun watching them maturing, isn't it? xx

  2. Our cucumbers are just starting to grow properly. Things are very slow this year due to the cooler temperatures and the rain....Lots of rain.

    God bless.

    1. More the temperature, do you think, than the rain? Here, things are really starting to take off now the warmer weather has finally arrived, thank goodness. xx

  3. Baby cucumbers are very attractive.

    1. I think so! The flowers are pretty too. xx

  4. Nothing quite beats produce from your own garden. Looks like plenty of salad items in the coming weeks for you x

    1. I do hope so. Leaves, tomatoes and cucumbers is almost a salad!! I agree, the flavour just can't be beaten. xx
