Wednesday 5 June 2024

Wednesday evening, 05-06-24

Evening, every one.

I wandered outside for my early survey of the 'estate' (I wish), camera in hand and snapped things that made me feel really happy.  No order, just as I got to them.

The most-certainly-not-dead fig.  It won't fruit but I love those leaves.
I'm going to make this my banner photo for a while.
Hard to see but the cucumber is flowering.  Male flowers, I expect, they usually are first of all, but it won't be long, I hope . . .
Blueberries - there's more, not loads but enough to enjoy a few at a time as they ripen.  
It's been stunning this year.  New flowers opening (at the top) and there's still new buds coming along.  
Several tomatoes are flowering.  No visible babies yet but give them time.
I don't usually photo the herb/foliage bed from this side - it's nice.
The tumbling toms - trouble free and very prolific.  And flowering . . .
Terrible photo, I just couldn't get it in focus.  Never mind - the first dwarf bean!  Woo hoo.

(and by this evening there were two more - gives me hope)
I dearly love pinks and these have given pleasure for years and years - decades, in fact.  The wall repair didn't bother them at all.
And the heuchera.  Such a lovely colour.

What didn't make me happy is that my camera is playing up again - or I am hoping it is the battery or the charger.  Buying a new camera is a bit of a stretch right now so I have crossed my fingers and ordered replacement battery and charger in hopes.
The problem is that the battery drains after taking around ten photos and then it only charges for about five minutes or so before stopping.  So it could be that, don't you think?  It was doing something similar during my cruise but that could have been the very cold weather because at home it was OK again.

Sleep well, everyone.  Wishing you a cosy bed and gentle dreams.  xx


  1. I just love seeing garden pictures and your garden is coming along very nicely. Glad the wall repair did not disturb your pinks.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I would have hated to lose them, for sure. xx

  2. It all looks lovely, Joy. Xx

  3. It's a lovely time of year, when everything is doing its best in the garden.

    1. It really is. Everything is still fresh and vibrant. It really is a lovely month, full of hope. xx

  4. I love to see your garden pictures Joy. It gives me hope that summer is finally on the way.

    1. Thank you, Cherie. And I love to see your videos too - I love how much you manage to grow and produce. It makes us happy, doesn't it? xx

  5. Everything coming along nicely in your garden despite the very slow appearance of anything like Summer.
    My fig in now it's 4th summer being in the ground is going to have about 3 dozen figs - very exciting. I must do a fig post!

    1. That is very exciting, I agree, and I'm looking forward to reading all about it. Does yours lose its leaves each winter? Mine does and then seems to just grow from the tip the next year. I wonder if I should pinch out the tips - what do you think? xx

  6. great photos from your "estate!!" good to see what you have growing there.

    1. Thanks, Gill. It's nice to get some produce from a small space. xx

  7. I love the end of May and start of June in the garden, it's just such a positive time. Great news about the not-dead-fig.

    1. The loveliest time, I think. Everything is green and fresh. xx

  8. Beautiful photos x
    Alison in Wales x

  9. The garden is looking lovely. The strawberry photo well deserves the summer banner position for a while.

    1. Thank you. It makes me smile, for sure. xx

  10. That was a lovely wander around your garden, Joy. Lovely strawberries. I had to net mine this week to stop them all been eaten by the birds!

    1. I seem to be lucky - the birds don't appear to notice them. (fingers crossed). xx
