Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday morning, 01-06-24

Sorry about last night . . . I was so very weary yesterday evening.

The weather was pretty horrible yesterday.  Rain, gusty winds and it definitely felt a lot colder than the thermometer indicated.  Brrrrr.
I popped round to Slimming World; we were a bit lower on numbers (half term and people go away) but high on chat and chuckles.  I won the raffle (again - it's getting embarrassing); there were two draws because the person who got the Slimmer of the Week didn't stay so there was the hamper to give out and there were too many in 'second place' to divide the contents.  I left it to the other winner to choose which one she wanted and I brought home some no sugar drinks which should see me through a few weeks.

Oh, it was cold!  I was layered up like winter and added my long oodie but still felt cold so, in the end, I gave in and turned the heating back on.  That did the trick.
Maybe that was why I felt so tired later on - I had a couple of snoozes through the day but still . . . so I wrote my other blog earlier and forgot to post that and I just couldn't put many words together for this one so I went to bed instead, almost slept the clock round and feel much brighter this morning.

The sun was shining (it's gone away now, drat) and I've done my garden tour!  Once the tomatoes, etc, are in, I walk around first thing each morning, checking everything, garden rings in hand, in case anything needs fastening up. pinching out and so on.  
No beans yet but it is only the seventh day so fair enough - I haven't had much luck with bean germination in recent years so fingers are firmly crossed.
The beds are looking very nice in their different ways.

The herb and foliage bed.  I must trib back that bush (maybe today) and behind it, visible from the house, is a flourishing rosemary and a lovely, deep red heuchera.
I really do use those herbs.
This one is for flowers.  The spring bulbs have all died back now and the Japanese anemone is sending up plenty of leafage so should flower well in the next month or so.  The pinks are just flowering, as is the perennial geranium. 
It's not a big bed so options are limited but there's another dianthus to the left, there's a bit of aquilegia which is one of the few plants to have rather suffered from the wall repairs, sadly, there's some phlox and a couple of nemesias which are so pretty - and those anemones which are terribly invasive but by ruthless pulling up, they are fairly under control - I want them there so that's OK.
I might indulge in a few bedding plants for around the edges.

I need to sweep round - yesterday's wind and rain has messed up the paving.

What I call my productive bed - this always has something I can pick and eat.  The strawberries, obviously and last year there was a yellow courgette to the left.  This year it is tomatoes.  I was going to have the strawberries out because they were pathetic last year but I never got round to it and I'm glad I didn't.

And talking of strawberries, I got an email from Lathcoats - their strawberry picking should be starting up soon.  Three cheers.

Now I am going to get this live.  The rest can wait for this evening.
Hoping you all slept well and have a great day.  xx


  1. It's June! Surely the sun must shine more frequently now?

    1. Oh, please, pretty please. We've had some real extremes during May, Haven't we. xx

  2. Thank you for putting on the pictures of your flower bed with the Japanese anemone leaves - it's confirmed for me that what I thought could be J.anemone coming up, is indeed that. I'm so pleased as I really like them. Both you and another of my readers have mentioned them being invasive, so I'll watch out for that, thanks. xx

    1. It is a very pretty flower, isn't it? Very summery.

  3. I am totally fed-up with this weather and rain at sometime everyday.
    Hope the strawbs at lathcoats are better than Brother in Law's - his are being attacked by slugs and not looking good at all.

    1. It's a right pain, isn't it? And it can be really quite bleak too. Bring on the sun!!

      They are grown off the ground on trestles so fingers crossed. Mine at home are on the ground but, so far, they are intact. I hope that lasts. WHat a shame about B-i-L's fruit.

  4. I was so cold last night that I thought I was coming down with something! Sounds like I wasn't the only one........
    I've had a weeek of being unable to read my favourite blogs so now I'm trying to catch up!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. No, you really weren't. It's still a bit chilly today but the wind has died down so it's just oodie cold, not central heating cold, thank goodness.
      I'm glad you're back in blogland. :-)

    2. 😘
      Alison x

    3. Well - I hope you weren't, anyway! xx

  5. I love the shape of your raised beds. They are so different.
    Some warmer/ sunnier weather- oh yes please .

    1. Thanks. The chap who put them in said 'bean shaped beds???' but I think they work. :-) xx
