Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday morning, 08-06-24

Good morning, everyone.  Apologies for yesterday evening - it's the usual excuse of tiredness.  Will explain below.
But first . . .

Bean count:
dwarfs     6
runners    4!!  
All of a sudden, bang on fourteen days, the runners are cooperating!  That's made me happy!  I need to buy some canes soon - I don't have any tall enough - unless there's some in the garage.  Must check.  

I woke really early yesterday morning - and when I say really, I mean even for me.  Twenty past two!  And I could not get back to sleep again.  So that was a great start.  The hay fever has really hit now and the sharp tooth wasn't helping.  I wonder if the chemist has something I could use to cover that sharp edge.  I might go and ask.

It was quite a busy day too.   Slimming world first and it wasn't a great result but there you go!
I did a load of washing which dried nicely on the line which means that I have two loads to iron today, most likely this morning.

I went round to a friend's for lunch.  She lives in Hutton so that meant a drive down the A12 (not my favourite road) and getting held up by pothole repairs bu we shouldn't complain - at least they are being done.  A had a lovely time with A though as we had a lot to catch up on.  She told me a much easier way back home again and that's the way I will go from now on.  There's a lot of road improvements on the A12 at the moment and that's causing hold ups and would have stopped me getting off in the usual place so I'm glad to have been given an alternative.  It's country roads, not as fast but so much more pleasant.

Come the evening, I had a scheduled online chat although it was hard to keep my eyes open at times so I decided to keep this until Saturday morning.

The sun's shining at the moment, as it did much of yesterday, so that's nice.  I have the ironing which I can do while watching the new Doctor Who and, if time permits, I haven't seen this week's Sewing Bee although I do know who was eliminated (no surprises there).
I'm due at Beth's at 12 and we're walking into town - well, I'm walking and she is wheelchairing - to look at her favourite bedroom furniture choice in The Cotswolds Company - we're lucky enough to have a shop - and she says she also fancies a cheese scone in John Lewis!!  I will try to stick to coffee and will take an apple in my bag, I think.

I'm hoping to do the usual evening post but, if not, I'll be back Sunday morning.  Until then, have a great day with plenty of sunshine.  xx

Just to add a bit of colour . . .


  1. Yay for runner beans!
    I'm an early riser as well, but twenty past two! I'm not surprised you were exhausted.
    I hope you manage to rest some more today. X

    1. I was really pleased to see them. I've not had much luck with runn er beans in recent years . . .
      Thanks. I probably will - I'm feeling pretty tired right now and may just chill in my recliner and see if I get a bit more snooze. xx

  2. It's bright here but not particularly warm. I gather it's going to be chillier for a few days. So much for Flaming June!

    1. Oh, no - sun is nice bit it would be great to have a bit more warmth as well. xx

  3. I've broken a few corners off my teeth. Def something that happens as we get older but it really does affect your bite and your tongue keeps going to it doesn't it?! I do like a nice cheese scone and have been planning to test my oven with a batch! Hope Beth gets a good one :-) xxx

    1. It does affect the bite as well. My jaw is aching but two and a half days to wait - I can cope with that. :-)
      Such a delicious way to test an oven. My mum used to say look at the amount of cheese the recipe asks for and double it!!

  4. Beautiful flowers! Hope you have a lovely day with Beth. I think you can buy a temporary repair kit for your tooth in Boots? ( or other pharmacy) Catriona

    1. Yes Boots stock a repair kit which I always keep in my wash bag for holiday emergencies.

    2. Thanks - I saw one when I was in Boots the other day but didn't need it by then. Worth knowing in case though. xx

  5. Sounds like you are just about hanging on in there with that tooth, when it happened to me recently I was really grouchy until I could get it fixed!
    Take care x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I have to admit, I am feeling a bit cheesed off about it. I asked at the chemist and they didn't have anything that would sort of 'cover; the sharp edge, nor could the recommend one. Ho hum!
      Good for making me eat more carefully and thoughtfully, mind you! :-) xx

  6. Been sunny here, mostly, for a few days now - but still with a very cold wind. I hope Beth enjoys her cheese scone (yum, my favourite) - and that you can resist - I couldn't, I'm sure! Lovely selection of purply flowers, and I'm quite envious of your strawberries - ours aren't fruiting much at all (all new ones bought this year). xx

    1. She did and so did I - resist, I mean. I sat and polished my halo!
      New ones can be dodgy first year, can't they. They should be good next year and fantastic the following year. xx
