Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday evening, 09-06-24

Good evening, everyone.  Have you had a pleasant Sunday?
It started off beautifully warm and sunny here and I decided to dress pretty with a summer dress rather that cropped jeggings or similar.  That was nice - I don't often wear dresses or skirts nowadays.
Then I sat outside in the warm sunshine with a book and my coffee.  Sheer bliss.

It's a shame the sun didn't stay around.  By the afternoon, it was cloudy and not nearly so warm so I stayed in.  I had a really nice online chat with Alex and watched telly.  A day of rest really.  I'd intended to do some weeding but didn't really have the inclination so - didn't!

The week ahead is rather good.
Lindsey's classes start again tomorrow.
I have the dentist on Tuesday which I wouldn't necessarily call good but I'm hoping he can do something about that sharp edge, even though it's officially a check up.
On Wednesday, it is the trip into London to the RAH to see Swan Lake.  REALLY looking forward to that.
On Thursday it's the usual coffee and chat with Chris and my order from Slimming World Kitchen should arrive.  SW has ventured into the meal delivery service, like Hello Fresh and Gousto, and I'm giving it a go to see if it is any good.  It's expensive - aren't they all - but if it's good, I might make it a monthly treat thing.
And then on Friday, a long time and very dear friend is coming to stay for a few days.  I haven't seen her for ages so that will be so good.

It should be a great week.

Bean count:
dwarf beans     still 6
runner beans     now 9 (just)
I won't continue with this much longer.  It was meant to be a light hearted reference to the fact that I have issues with bean germination.  Not this year though, by the looks of things.

Well, time to catch up with Sewing Bee.  Enjoy the rest of the evening, everyone, and see you tomorrow.
Sleep well!  xx


  1. You have a busy week coming up and hope everything goes to plan. Enjoy the ballet. Catriona

    1. Thank you. Swan Lake is a favourite, both in dance and in music although my absolute favourite is Romeo and Juliet with the MacMillan choreography and that glorious Prokofiev score. Sheer beauty!

  2. Your upcoming week looks like it will be busy, but lots of fun. I do love a good ballet or opera. It really is too bad that Harvey does not.

    God bless.

    1. I love opera as a whole package but not so much just the singing; it's not my favourite type of singing. But a staged opera is a wonderful thing. xx

  3. It sounds like you have a good week to look forward to. It's back to work for me today, and with so much going on for Lily, between now and the end of term, I'm having to check my diary constantly.
    Anyway, the sun is already out, and my washing will be shortly.
    Have a lovely day. Xx

    1. Such a shame half term is over. Hopefully the weeks will go as smoothly and speedily as they possibly can. August can't be far away and we are already a third of the way through June, aren't we? xx

  4. You have a busy week ahead - it sounds fun.

    1. Circuits certainly was. Really good. xx

  5. Ohh, Swan Lake , and at the RAH - wonderful. I saw a production of Swan Lake by the London City Ballet company around 1980 I think, it was fabulous. I'm not very up on classical music, but Tchaikovsky's ballet scores, especially Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, are favourites of mine. xx

    1. He wrote some gorgeous music, didn't he? xx

  6. OOh, I hope you enjoy Swan Lake! It's a long time since I saw it!

    1. It's a lovely ballet, isn't it. Absolutely typical classical ballet plus the most amazing music. xx

  7. Apart from the dentist , it sounds like a good week ahead for you, Joy.
