Tuesday 15 August 2023

Tuesday, 15-08-23

Good morning, everyone.  Opening the curtains today shows a much more pleasant start than yesterday and BBC is optimistic, which is nice.  To be fair, much of yesterday was nice but there was also some rain and it was quite humid at times.

I need to make a correction to what I said in comments yesterday.  I misunderstood a message from Beth - Alex didn't manage to get a GP appointment yesterday so will be trying again today.

Because of the rain, I decided not to go plum picking - I know what it's like under those little trees, picking fruit and getting showered with water each time.  No thanks.  I may want plums but I don't NEED them really and had already had my shower.  And they (the plums) will be available for a short time to come anyway.

That made the morning much easier to negotiate.  Family circuits was great - there were two families there, six children and three adults and it was such fun.  Next week is the last one for this summer but it's been a great success so maybe Lindsey will repeat it next summer.

Personal training was also great - she's definitely upping the level again and I feel very worked - which is what it's all about.

Today is Groove and then I have several little things to do.  Making a shopping list and doing the food shopping for the rest of August (more or less) as it is half way through the month, getting the finances up to date and housework, that never ending housework.

Just a quiet, normal day in the life of a retired girl!!  :-)


  1. Fingers crossed Alex gets that appointment today. Xx

  2. Thank goodness for the sun today - it makes such a difference. We have loads of plums this year, which is lovely, and lots of chillies and apples, so the strange weather has been good for some things. x x x

    1. It's so cheering and smile generating. xx

  3. Sounds like a pleasant day for you. British plums are great, hopefully you'll get some good picking weather soon
    Alison in Wales x

  4. The exercise programs you do sound like such fun! And you enjoy such a variety of exercise. My exercise these days is walking our new "puppy" a seven month old black lab mix. He can be quite a handful but is starting to calm down a bit more at times. His name is River.

    1. Aw, he sounds absolutely lovely. Labs are such a delightful breed of dog. xx

  5. Your days are busy - as you said, never a dull moment and it is easy to find something to do around the house and garden!

  6. I was busy everyday checking the chokecherries but between Harvey and I decided there really were not enough to make jelly or syrup... Sad, but perhaps next year.

    Sounds like you had a busy day even without picking plums.

    God bless.

    1. That's a shame but I guess it saves you some time. xx

  7. That does sound like quite the active day though. Good call on the plum picking. I have a feeling you would have ended up quite wet lol

    1. Absolutely soaked, I am sure. Not my idea of fun. I picked up some 'English' plums (Victorias) in M&S and they are delicious. xx
