Wednesday 2 August 2023

Wednesday, 02-08-23

Morning, everyone.  After quite a pleasant day yesterday, I have woken to a very dismal view from the window.  A very dismal forecast from the Beeb too, see . . .

Oh, well . . .

Yesterday was a good day.  Groove was great fun and there were loads of people there.  During the summer weeks, Lindsey is running a sort of 'drop in' system and, as Groove continues at the Hall, not the Studio, numbers are higher.  There were people there I have never done a class with but who I recognise from the Potters weekend, which was nice.

After breakfast, I drove off to do my food shop.  Chris is still not very well so I had a few things to get for here as well.  Once that was done and all put away, I did some gardening and, noticing that the lower leaves on the tomatoes were looking bedraggled and stopping the sun (I know - what sun?) - OK, light - getting to the fruit, I cut them back up to the first truss.  It also helps the plant to dry off more quickly after rain; blight is an ever present danger when it is mild and damp.  
I wonder if Blightwatch is still operating.  Must check.

Today, I m having an early (for me) breakfast and then driving over to Diane's, and we are going to Freeport, a shopping outlet fairly close to her.  We'll have lunch there, of course, and we want to look around an 'outdoor' shop with a view to considering what we could get for our Christmas jolly.
And I want to get my ears pierced.  I had them done ages ago, decades, in fact, but stopped wearing my studs and they closed up.  There's a 'Claire's' in the centre and they might be able to do me today.  If not, I can go back, no problem.
Isn't that frivolous?  :-)

I have no idea how long we will be out but I doubt I'll do anything else today apart from the necessaries.  A shame the forecast is so bad but maybe it will keep the crowds away.  

Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx


  1. Yes grotty weather for us today. Hope you are able to find suitable things for your fabulous upcoming winter trip whilst at Freeport, plus of course getting your ears re-done! Wrap up warm - I find Freeport can be so cold and blustery when the wind blows and the sun isn't shining! As you say it is probably a good day to go!
    Suze x

    1. It certainly isn't a trainers day - I'm digging out my ankle boots!
      Thanks for the hint - I will go prepared! :-) xx

  2. We have thunder warnings all day today - what fun! Enjoy your browsing and - hopefully - purchasing. Good luck with the ear-piercing! x x

    1. Thank you. I've only been to Freeport once before which is daft when it is comparatively close by so I am looking forward to it.

  3. If asked my opinion I wouldn't choose Claire's for ear piercing. I have heard that the staff are not properly trained and they use a gun that pushed the earring through the ear instead of a gun that removes a bit of ear which apparently is better. It is better to go to a tattoo/piercing type place or a jewellers. Enjoy your trip to Freeport. deb from essex

    1. Ooops - too late. It was fine, didn't hurt and I'm happy with what I've got. Thanks for the warning though, Deb. xx

  4. I had my ears pierced again at a local jewellers at my 70th birthday as I had not worn earrings whilst on holiday and they had closed up-40 years to the day since I first had them done! Agree about not using Claires as our local one doesn’t have a good reputation. Enjoy your shopping trip. Catriona

    1. As I said to Deb, too late. I'm home again now with after care insructions. :-) xx

  5. ops sorry !! deb from essex

    1. :-) Really not a problem . . . I appreciate you saying, thanks for that. They feel fine so that's good. xx

  6. I have often thought about getting my ears done again. Like you I stopped wearing earrings and the holes closed right up.

    God bless.

    1. I am so glad I have had them re-done. I have big plans for Christmas earrings now lol.
      Seriously, I am really pleased about it although I do need to find a couple more pairs of simple studs to ring the changes when I can remove the ones I have in.
