Friday 11 August 2023

Friday, 11-08-23

 Morning, everyone.  Not a promising start with clouds and a breeze but BBC is optimistic for sunshine so all good!  Yesterday was lovely.  Sunny all day and, come the later morning, pretty warm too.  Dargening was a pleasure.

I saw this on Jay Blades' Facebook page yesterday and I think it is brilliant and so very true.

If the grass looks greener on the other side...
Stop staring.
Stop comparing.
Stop complaining.
And start watering the grass you're standing on.

Isn't that good?

I was pleased to get most of the stuff on my Little List done and dusted in the afternoon after quite a busy morning. First of all it was SET class online, then I went over to Chris for coffee and chat and then, after a quick breakfast, I took some courgettes over to Beth and we had a good old chat over coffee in her break. It was all good and very enjoyable.

That left the afternoon to do the List stuff. The blue room took no time at all once I had decided where stuff should go and I did a fair bit of weeding and some of the sweeping but not all, so that carries forward to today.

Today, being Friday, starts with Slimming World, as usual, followed by breakfast and then just making sure the house is cleaner ready. By then, the sun should be out and I will get the garden stuff finished off.
And that's how I hope today will go.

How about you? xx


  1. Wow, Jay Blades idiom is so true, really gives hope doesn't it? Fingers crossed the sun will appear later as I'm spending the day with my daughter. Yesterday my friend and I had lunch at the Blue Egg. Busy, busy!
    Suze x

    1. It really impacted on me - such a powerful attitude.
      Have a lovely time with your daughter. xx

  2. So good to have sun and warmth yesterday. Thick cloud today here - hope the sun comes through

    1. It has here now; hopefully it will arrive with you soon. xx

  3. Sometimes those positive words really hit the spot don't they?
    We have sunny spells and it's breezy. I'm having a lazy cooking day after a busy week - m and s moussakka with air fried chips..... a Friday treat !
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That sounds really delicious. Enjoy. xx

  4. The day started dull but became warm and balmy - lovely! x x

    1. It did here too - it ended up a beautiful day. xx

  5. I love that!!! We had rain all day yesterday and I am so thankful for the moisture. Doing a clean out the fridge night, so I guess the menu plan is shot for another day.

    God bless.

    1. Using up the bits and bobs is good though; some of my nicest meals have been after a sort out. :-) xx

  6. I do like that quote. It's a good reminder for us all. X
