Thursday 10 August 2023

Thursday 10-08-23

 Good morning, everyone.  It's another lovely start to the day although we are now a third of the way through August and it was still almost dark when I woke up this morning at my usual time - around five.  It didn't seem such a chilly night either - when I woke, I was snuggly warm and it was so cosy and comfortable.

Now, what was I saying about 'just enough' courgettes?

Some for Chris and Steve, a couple for the SW slimmer of the week basket and, by the weekend, some for Beth and Alex.  And some for me.
Lovely jubbly!

Circuits yesterday was really good (when is it not, mind you?) with three of us and one who came half way through.  Lindsey is so good at adapting the various elements to the individual so I always end up feeling successful and a bit extended.

I didn't start on the blue room but I did think about where various bits and bobs could go and came up with a little plan - well, not a plan, just a few solutions.
However, I did scrape away at the weeds in the cracks between the paving slabs (it took a while) and this morning I'm going to get out my stiff broom and give the whole of the back garden a good old sweep out right to the corners, behind the compost bin, etc.  That should make a big difference.
I want to check the car tyres too, especially the suspect one.
And I'd like to start in on the blue room but it's not any kind of problem if I don't.

But first it will be an online SET class and then a chat with Chris in her garden.  She's still very tired at times and has a troublesome cough but it sounds as if she's loads better now.  Excellent.
(Must ask her if she actually wants another courgette).

Just a nice, normal, pottering sort of day - the nicest kind.
Hoping yours is really good too.  xx


  1. You brought me up sharp saying its a third of the way through August. Crikey the summer is slipping past quickly. Those courgettes look pretty enough to grow simply as an ornamental don't they.

    1. They really do. Strategically placed, they look great! It's a lovely yellow.
      Where is the time going? Already the leaves are starting to brown off a bit.

  2. Your yellow courgettes are a great success. They are delicious, delicate and buttery. Occasionally they are available to buy at SB's but invariably have brown bruises, which puts me off. Don't know whether they are a bit old or have been handled roughly.

    1. I suspect both. I've never seen them in the supermarkets round here and they are so much nicer (I think) than the green ones. I'm thrilled that they have done so well, even Little Runt.

  3. I've eaten 1, just a single 1 of my courgettes so far. They get so far then either rot or get eaten by slugs!! I always accept free courgettes from friends as they are one of favourite veggies. Your yellow ones look delicious! :-) xxx

    1. THey get the same thing as tomatoes - blossom end rot. This is the first year for ages that I haven't been troubled with that for the courgettes (just the tomatoes) and I'm making the most of it. :-)
      Wish you lived closer - I would happily share . . .

  4. Enjoy your pottering. Its a beautiful morning here. But set to be the last one for a while I believe. Xx

    1. They seem to think we have three pretty good days ahead of us down here - very nice too.

  5. It's lovely here, too, so we'll all make the most of it. Not a very good summer, all told, though I wouldn't want the blistering heat of last year. x x

    1. We had a very hot spell in June, I think, didn't we, but not for long. Last year was a bit much, I agree. xx

  6. Haha ... courgettes are a law unto themselves aren't they, but they do look lovely and healthy. You could chop and freeze some ready for bulking out Winter soups if you have space in the freezer.

    It really was so much warmer last night wasn't it, and the sun is glorious today.

    1. It's a really beautiful day today and I've treated the tomatoes to an extra midday drink!
      I'm going to freeze any leftover tomatoes so maybe I could do some courgettes too - good idea, thanks. xx

  7. Pleasant day so far here :-)
    Courgettes are pretty amazing aren't they.........generous plants!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Very generous - when they're in the right mood. :-)

  8. I am finding this month going by very quickly, probably because the garden is coming in by leaps and bounds, or because I know I only have so long to get things done before going away once again.

    God bless.

    1. It's odd how time feels so flexible, isn't it? It has its own structure.
      Not long until your cruise now. Exciting. xx
